Decision details

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy sets out the strategic direction in terms of addressing domestic abuse and sexual violence.  The current strategy needs to be refreshed and updated to reflect changes in legislation.


That the draft Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved for a 6-week public consultation.

Reasons for the decision:

To submit for consultation the draft Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy which has been prepared following a review of the current Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy which ceases at the end of 2022 and to take into account the recommendations of a strategic review of the domestic abuse response in Torbay.

Alternative options considered:

An alternative option would be to do nothing.  However, this was discounted as the current policy was set to expire this year and would not take account of the information gathered from the strategic review.


This decision will be implemented immediately.


The findings from the Call-to-Action Sexual Violence Project that Torbay Council participated in last year has been used to inform the focus and direction for sexual violence. In addition, data about sexual violence services and demand has been gathered to inform a local position statement on sexual violence in Torbay.


A theory of change has been devised following analysis of all the review findings, which has informed what change needs to happen, what outcomes have been identified and how we deliver them.  This revealed a commonality of themes between both domestic abuse and sexual violence that are a focus for the strategy.  A small number of themes specific to domestic or sexual violence are also included.  


Consequently, the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy has been reviewed with a focus on lived experience, prevention, identification, disruption, evidence and understanding; aiming to:


a)    Elevate responses to sexual violence to achieve parity with domestic violence over the lifetime of the Strategy


b)    Hold those who harm accountable and not their victims


c)    Change the narrative and address myths and victim blaming language and practice


d)    Embed trauma informed practice and improve understanding of how trauma frames victims’ responses


e)    Develop a robust evidence base and consistent monitoring


f)     Broaden knowledge and understanding of what constitutes domestic and sexual violence and abuse both in the workforce and across the general public, framed in the context of relationships.


Councillor Carter proposed and Councillor Stockman seconded a motion that was agreed unanimously by the Cabinet, as set out above.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 21/10/2022

Date of decision: 18/10/2022