Decision details

Disposal of Long Lease - Waterpark, Go-kart Site and Peter Pan Area, Goodrington Sands, Tanners Road, Goodrington, Paignton

Decision Maker: Elected Mayor

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the disposal by tender for a long lease of a maximum of 40 years for a generally water based leisure attraction at the Waterpark and Go-Kart Site, Goodrington Sands, Paignton to achieve a long term rental income for the Council and investment in tourism in the area.

The adjoining site, known as the Peter Pan area will be included in the tender as an additional option.


That the granting of a 25 year Lease with lease break options in favour of the Council (the 1st break option at year 10 and intervals thereafter) be approved for the red and the blue area shown on the Plan EM 2663 at Appendix 2 to the submitted report with authority being delegated to the Assistant Director (Corporate and Business Services) in consultation with the Torbay Development Agency’s Head of Asset Management to approve the detailed terms of the Lease.

Reasons for the decision:

To secure the future for the Waterpark, Go-kart Site and Peter Pan Area, Goodrington Sands, Tanners Road, Goodrington, Paignton.

Alternative options considered:

Alternative options were set out in the submitted report but not discussed at the meeting.


This decision will come into force and may be implemented on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 unless the call-in procedure is triggered (as set out in the Standing Orders in relation to Overview and Scrutiny).


Due to the ending of the non-renewable lease for the Waterpark, Goodrington in November 2016, a tender process was undertaken for the granting of a new long lease for the area of the existing Waterpark, go-kart area and Peter Pan area at Goodrington Sands, Tanners Road, Paignton.  Only one bid was received and it was proposed that a 25 year non renewable lease be granted to the bidder at £35,000 per annum, with lease break options in favour of the Council at certain intervals.


As part of the tender the bidder set out a series of investment proposals in the facility which would enhance the site and be beneficial to residents, visitors and the Council.  Granting a 25 year Lease gives the bidder sufficient security to allow this investment to happen but does limit the Council’s options on the waterpark site for the next 10 years.


The Mayor considered the recommendation of the Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team) made on 14 September 2016 and his decision is set out above.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 19/09/2016

Date of decision: 14/09/2016

Effective from: 27/09/2016