Issue - meetings

Capital Plan Budget Outturn 2010/2011 (Subject to Audit)

Meeting: 13/07/2011 - Council (Item 155)

155 Capital Plan Budget Outturn 2010/2011 (Subject to Audit) pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To consider the attached report on the above.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the submitted report on the outturn position in respect of capital expenditure and income for 2010/2011.  The report also set out the Prudential Indicators for 2010/2011.  The Overview and Scrutiny Board had reviewed the report on 29 June 2011 and made no recommendations.


It was proposed by Councillor Tyerman and seconded by Councillor Hill:


(i)         that the Council notes the outturn position for the Council’s Capital expenditure and income for 2010/11 and notes the action taken by the Chief Finance Officer, under the Officer Scheme of Delegation, to carry forward the unspent budgets for expenditure or work in progress (together with their funding) from 2010/11 to 2011/12;


(ii)        that the Council approves the funding of the capital plan for 2010/11 as outlined in paragraph C1.1 of the submitted report; and


(iii)       that the Council approves the Prudential Indicators for 2010/11 as shown in Annex 1 to the submitted report.


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried.