1. A closed circuit TV monitoring system must be installed and maintained, images recorded and retained for at least 21 days and to be handed to police/local authority on request.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Signage must be displayed in store that it is an offence for people aged under 18 to purchase alcohol.
2. Store must be fitted with a panic button for staff to press in cases of emergency.
3. Store must be fitted with a burglar alarm.
Public Safety
1. The store must meet the requirements of the Fire Safety Order 2005.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. No deliveries shall take place between the hours of 2300 and 0600 the following day.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. All staff must be trained in relation to underage related sales of alcohol, proof of age scheme in place.
2. "Challenge 25" scheme must be in place and notices of this prominantley displayed within the store.
3. There shall be an electronic till prompt when alcohol is scanned to remind staff to check the age of the purchaser.
4. "Age Refusals Register" refusals book must be kept to record where sales of alcohol are challenged or refused.