1. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 shall be adhered to at all times.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The licensees shall promote safe and responsible drinking.
2. An incident book of all incidents shall be kept.
3. All drinks shall be served in shatterproof glasses and no alcohol shall be served in glass bottles after 11.00pm from which it is intended or likely that a person shall drink.
4. Premises shall maintain membership and participate in the Nitenet Radio Communications Scheme.
5. All measures shall be in place for the prevention of crime and disorder including CCTV and night net radio.
6. CCTV shall operate throughout the time the premises open to the public with a recording monitor. All recordings shall be kept for a minimum period of 14 days during which time Police shall have access to recordings at any reasonable time.
7. On any Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night that the premises remain open for the sale of alcohol after midnight and then closes after 00.30hrs, SIA door supervisors shall be employed on the premises from 22.00 hrs until close, at a ratio of 1 supervisor per 100 customers. (This condition shall also apply on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve when they do not fall on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.) On all other occasions, the premises licence holder shall risk assess the requirement for door supervisors and employ such door supervisors, if at all, in such numbers and at such times determined by that risk assessment.
Public Safety
1. Free drinking water shall be available at all times.
2. When disabled people are present, adequate arrangements shall exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. Review and assessment of accessibility in line with the Disability Discrimination Act shall be complete and kept on the premises.
3. The licensees shall ensure that at all times there are adequate first aid arrangements. The arrangements for first aid provision include a first aid box, an adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials to be used by patrons. Suitable protective equipment shall be provided to deal with hypodermic needles, blood spillages and other body fluids. Procedures shall be in place to ensure that body fluids are dealt with in a safe manner to avoid the risk of communicable diseases.
4. Means of addressing patrons during operating hours, which must be heard about entertainment, or as a means of interrupting the entertainment and making important safety announcements shall be available.
5. CCTV must be in operation areas not visible from the bar.
6. A safe capacity of the whole premises and each floor of the premises shall be maintained at all times. Such capacities to be agreed with the Fire Authority.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises such as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed.
2. The air conditioning and air extraction must not make noise which will cause a nuisance by its operation to neighbours.
3. Regular maintenance shall be carried out on all plant machinery to ensure that noise from such sources is kept to a minimum.
4. All external doors and windows shall be kept shut where possible, other than for access and egress, in all rooms when events involving amplified music or speech or other entertainment likely to give rise to noise are taking place.
5. The licensees or a senior member of staff (manager) shall assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring properties at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment.
6. The volume of amplified sound used in connection with the entertainment shall at all times be under the control of the management. The premises has the benefit of a noise limiter and the same shall be under the control of the management.
7. Suitable signage at exits requesting that patrons make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises shall be displayed.
8. Patrons shall be asked not to stand around in the street outside the premises and shall be asked to leave quickly and quietly.
9. The management shall continue in their responsible attitude towards noise management.
10. Deliveries of goods shall be restricted to hours between 08.00 and 17.00 hours.
11. The handling of beer kegs, bottles and similar items shall not take place in the late evening, during the early morning when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside buildings.
12. Skips and bins containing cans or bottles shall not be emptied after the premises close but shall be dealt with the next day during office hours.
13. The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises shall be kept to a minimum after 17.00 hours.
14. All rubbish produced by the premises shall be stored securely in the designated area or in a bin with a tight fitting lid - to prevent litter being blown around.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. Proof of age shall be requested for the purchase of alcohol.
2. All films shown shall be in accordance with the British Film Board Classification and shown to persons in accordance with that classification.