1. Existing Company procedures shall continue to be applied to the premises in relation to the additional hours that are requested.
2. The operating schedule does not preclude any private entertainment as defined under the Private Places of Entertainment (Licensing) Act 1967.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The Company shall continue to be committed to strict compliance with the law in the course of the operation of its premises and to maintaining good standards of behaviour by its customers.
2. The measures identified in the Overview of Operations shall continue to apply to the additional hours sought by this variation.
Public Safety
1. JD Wetherspoon shall continue ongoing risk assessments in order to comply with Health and Safety legislation.
2. The measures identified in the Overview of Operations shall continue to apply to the additional hours sought by this variation.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. There shall be no change in the trading terms of these premises other than the later opening hours sought by this variatoin.
2. The existing measures identified in the Overview of Operations shall continue to apply to the additional hours sought by this variation.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. Children must always be accompanied by an adult who shall be required to maintain constant supervision of them.
2. The measures identified in the Overview of Operations shall continue to apply.