The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Persons who are either drunk or approaching a state of drunkenness shall not be admitted.
2. Bottles and glasses shall be collected regularly during the working day.
3. Tills shall be emptied at least once per day.
4. The premises must be alarmed.
5. All drinks consumed on the outside veranda shall be so consumed from plastic drinking vessels.
Public Safety
1. Fire safety equipment shall be checked annually.
2. Exits must be kept free from obstruction.
3. Stairs and verandas must be well lit (including position of street lights).
4. A First Aid box must be provided.
5. Any spillages must be cleaned up immediately.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Notices shall be erected at exits requesting patrons to leave quietly.
2. Rubbish shall be cleared daily and kept in secure bins.
3. Designated taxi number shall be available.
4. Music volume shall be under the control of the management.
5. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises such as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed; in general terms noise shall not be audible within any dwelling with windows open for normal ventilation after 2300.
6. Before 2300 noise emanating from the premises shall not be clearly distinguishable above other noise; after 2300 such noise shall not be distinguishable above background levels of noise.
7. The disposal of rubbish such as bottles into receptacles outside the premises shall take place at times not to cause disturbance to nearby properties. The handling of beer kegs, bottles and similar items shall not take place outside the premises late evening, during the night or during the early morning when disturbance is likely to be caused to nearby residences.
8. When live music is provided an announcement shall be made prior to closing requesting patrons to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly manner.
9. At any such entertainment a manager shall continually assess the impact of any emanating noise on neighbouring residences.
10. To reduce noise breakout, all windows and doors shall be kept closed during live performances.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. Children under 13 years shall only be admitted if accompanied by a responsible adult.
2. Children 13-17 years shall be admitted prior to 1800 hrs unaccompanied.
3. Staff shall be trained to ask for identification in doubt.
4. A full range of soft drinks shall be available.
5. No cigarette machines shall be permitted.