The prevention of crime and disorder
1. CCTV cameras shall be in good working order, operating both inside and outside the premises and the tapes kept for 28 days.
2. Bar staff shall be trained and alert to issues of underage drinking.
Public safety
1. At least one First Aider shall be on duty during the day and night.
2. A record of all accidents shall be recorded and reported to Riddor where necessary.
3. Fire precautions must comply with all requirements for the fire officer.
4. The bar shall have a designated smoking area.
5. Fire notices shall be displayed and pointed out to guests on arrival.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. Noice levels shall be maintained and monitored to an acceptable level.
2. All deliveries of kegs etc shall be delivered during the day.
3. Glass shall be emptied into the external glass bins during the day.
4. The outside of the premises shall be kept clean and tidy at all times.
The protection of children from harm
1. Notices in the bar area shall state 'no alcohol shall be served to persons under 18 years'.
2. ID shall be requested if there is any doubt as to proof of age.
3. Children shall not be allowed at the bar.
4. Children on the dance floor must be supervised.