1. The company will maintain comprehensive regulatory compliance procedures and all aspects of the licensing objectives are covered by these procedures.
The prevention of crime and disorder
1. A CCTV system will be installed that is capable of continuously recording for a period of not less than 31 days, and is maintained in good working order meeting the Home Office Guidelines.
2. Recordings will be made of all trading periods.
3. The correct date and time will be generated onto both the recording and the real time image screen.
4. The system shall be able to produce copies of recordings on site.
5. The system shall be capable of facial image recognition of all persons both entering and exiting the store.
6. At least one camera from the system in operation will cover the doorway and another covering the till area.
7. Copies of such recording will be provided on request to an office under the direction and control of the Police or an officer of the Licensing Authority.
8. The DPS must ensure that there are trained members of staff available during licensable hours to be able to reproduce and download CCTV images into a removable format at the request of an authorised office of the Licensing Authority or Police.
9. There will be clear signage indicating that CCTV equipment is in use and recording at the premises.
10. The DPS shall take such steps as are necessary to ensure that the system is operated and maintained in accordance with these conditions.
11. The following lines of alcohol shall not be sold from the premises: Beer, lager, bitter or cider with an abv of more than 6%.
12. No single cans of alcohol shall be sold.
13. The sale of all spirits shall be made by way of counter service only.
14. The premises shall join, maintain membership and actively participate in the local Storenet/Nitenet Radio Communications System which shall be monitored by staff at all times the premises are open to the public.
15. Tills shall be adjacent to the off-licence area for greater supervision and a least one of these tills shall be manned at all times that alcohol is available for sale.
16. The alcohol shall be restricted to the area as shown on the plan submitted with the application. There will be no alteration to the area used for display of alcohol without prior consultation with the police and with the licensing authority's officers.
17. Signage shall be prominently displayed to confirm that:
a) No alcohol shall be sold or supplied to any persons who are intoxicated.
b) No alcohol shall be sold or supplied to persons who are under 18 and proof of age must be provided if requested.
18. Further signage will be provided confirming the offences in relation to the purchase of alcohol for or on behalf of children and by children under the Licensing Act 2003.
19. There shall be on the premises at all times that alcohol is being sold, a senior member of being either the manager, assistant manager or other senior member of staff.
20. No fewer that two members of staff shall be on the premises when alcohol is for sale. If there are occasions when there are less than the above numbers, alcohol shall not be sold to the public.
21. Outside the hours for the sale of alcohol, or in the event of insufficient members of staff on the premises, all alcohol shall be covered from the view of customers.
Public safety
1. Fire safety measures and procedures must be in operation at the store in accordance with Fire Safety Regulations.
2. Provision shall be made for the disabled to ensure safe evacuation in the event of fire or other emergency and general access to the store.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. All planning requirements shall be met and procedures established to prevent noise nuisance from deliveries.
2. Measures shall be in place to ensure the proper disposal of all waste.
The protection of children from harm
1. A written log shall be kept of all refusals including refusals to sell alcohol. The holder of the Premises Licence shall ensure that the refusal log is properly maintained and this shall involve, but is not limited to, nominating in writing a responsible person to check and sign it on a weekly basis.
2. The holder of the Premises Licence shall ensure that every individual who appears to be under 25 years of age seeking to purchase or be supplied with alcohol at or from the premises shall produce means of identification - passport, photo driving licence or PASS accredited photo ID- proving that the individual to be 18 years of age or older. If the person seeking alcohol is unable to produce acceptable means of identification, no sale or supply of alcohol will be made to or for that person.
3. All staff shall be trained to challenge every individual who appears to be under 25 years of age and to refuse service where individuals cannot produce acceptable means of identification. Such training will be provided not less than every six months, and records will be kept of all training and refresher training.
4. 'Challenge 25' posters shall be displayed in prominent positions at the premises.