1. A clear note stating licensing times shall be displayed on the premises.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There must be one member of staff who lives on the premises and is vetted by the licensees.
2. All visitors shall sign in and out in a book.
3. Guests shall not be allowed to leave the premises with glasses.
4. Left luggage shall be kept in a locked room.
5. There must be security lighting in the car park and garden side of the hotel.
Public Safety
1. There shall be plastic glasses in the garden.
2. Bar staff shall be suitably trained.
3. There shall be adequate access for emergency vehicles.
4. The building shall be well maintained.
5. There must be a qualified first aider on the premises.
6. Fire equipment must be checked regularly.
7. There must be a first aid box on the premises.
8. Fire alarm call points must be labelled and fire routine notices must be displayed in all bedrooms and bar area.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. There shall be no loud music.
2. The guests shall not be allowed to make undue noise after 11pm.
3. Recycling bins shall be emptied during daylight hours.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. There shall be no TV in public areas so children are not exposed to unsuitable programmes.
2. Staff must be trained not to serve alcohol to children and to ask for ID if there is any possibility someone may be under 18.