The prevention of crime and disorder
1. The premises shall maintain a CCTV system which gives coverage of all entry and exit points. The system shall continually record whilst the premises are open and conducting licensable activities. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum period of 28 days and shall be capable of being easily downloaded. Recordings shall be made available upon the receipt of a request by an authorised Officer of the Police or the Local Authority.
2. There shall be "CCTV in Operation" signs prominently displayed at the premises.
3. An incident log (whether kept in a written or electronic form) shall be retained at the premises and made available to an authorised Officer of the Police or the Local Authority.
4. The premises shall operate a proof of age scheme, such as a Challenge 25, whereby the only forms of acceptable identification shall be either a photographic driving licence, a valid passport, military identification or any other recognised form of photographic identification incorporating the PASS logo, or any other form of identification from time to time approved by the secretary of the state.
5. The premises will be fitted with a burglar alarm system.
6. The premises will be fitted with a panic button system for staff to utilise in the case of an emergency.
7. Cans of beers, lager and cider shall only be sold in multiples of 4 cans.
8. No beer, cider or lager with an ABV of 6% or above shall be sold at the premises save that this prohibition shall not apply to premium beer, cider or lager such as craft or speciality brands, or products from micro-breweries or similar.
Public safety
1. The premises licence holder shall ensure that the appropriate fire safety, and health and safety regulations are applied at the premises.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. A complaints procedure will be maintained, details of which will be made available in store and upon request.
The protection of children from harm
1. All staff will receive comprehensive training in relation to age restricted products and in particular the sale of alcohol. No member of staff will be permitted to sell age restricted products until such time as they have successfully completed the aforementioned training.
2. An age till prompt system will be utilised at the premises in respect of age restricted products.
3. A refusals register (whether kept and written or electronic form) will be maintained at the premises and will be made available for inspection upon request by an authorised Officer of the Police or the Local Authority.