1. There must be an alarm system with panic buttons and a CCTV system with recording facilities.
2. Staff shall be trained with recorded ongoing alcohol training regime, Challenge 21 and proof of age initiative embraced, with instore challenge signage.
3. Spirits display shall be located behind counter.
4. There shall be a refusals system with refusals book, controlled access at discretion of cashier after 23.00 until 05.30.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There must be an alarm system and CCTV with recording facility, trained staff, challenge 21 and refusals system.
Public Safety
1. Staff must be trained in fire safety procedures and the use of fire safety equipment and firefighting equipment.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Staff must be trained to deal with situations.
2. Useable waste bins shall be provided on the forecourt.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. There shall be a full alcohol training regime in use, ongoing recorded alcohol training and refresher training.
2. Challenge 21 trading initiative shall be embraced, with challenge signage, refusals system and refusals book.