1. We will keep CCTV log and up to date.
2. Secure storage and transportation of age restricted goods.
3. Safety and risk assessment bi-yearly and additionally as new risks arise.
4. Yearly refresher training regarding the four licencing objectives for Management to ensure the responsibilities under the Licencing Act 2003 are met.
The prevention of crime and disorder
1. All staff will be trained in respect of their responsibilities under the licensing Act 2003. Refresher training will be provided every six months and new staff will be given this training as part of their induction.
2. Members of staff who are under 18 years old will be supervised by a responsible adult.
3. Record log kept of alcohol sales and ID requests.
4. Notice visible of the terms of the premises licence and what activities are not permitted.
5. Alcohol stock to be kept behind the counter.
6. Secure storage and transportation of age restricted goods.
Public safety
1. We will ensure a safety and risk assessment completed and updated regularly, with a log kept of when and by whom this is undertaken, as well as notes on anything new that arises between assessments/checks.
2. The fire safety measures with which the premises are provided, will be maintained in good working order, and their adequacy will be determined on a regular basis, by carrying out a fire risk assessment, as required by, and in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. I understand that the safety of occupants is also influenced by numbers of persons present, their disposition and the activities taking place, and therefore undertake to maintain a safe occupancy level.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. Vigilance in preventing the consumption of alcohol at the retail area.
2. Noise reduction measures to address the public nuisance objective.
3. Prominent, clear and legible notices will be displayed at the exit requesting the public to respect the needs of nearby residents.
4. Deliveries of goods necessary for the operation of the business will be carried out at such a time or in such a manner as to prevent nuisance and disturbance to nearby residents.
5. The Licensee will ensure that staff who arrive early morning or depart late at night (eg for unpacking, pricing newly delivered goods) when the business has ceased trading conduct themselves in such a manner to avoid causing disturbance to nearby residents.
6. Customers will not be admitted to premises above opening hours.
7. The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises will be kept to a minimum after 11.00pm. This will help to reduce the levels of noise produced by the premises.
8. Any lighting on or outside the premises will be positioned and screened in such a way so as to not cause a disturbance to nearby residents.
9. Adequate waste receptacles for use by staff will be provided for carton outers and any damaged stock.
The protection of children from harm
1. The premises will operate a think 25 policy (and visible signage) whereby any individual who appears to be under the age of 25 will be required to produce an approved form of photographic identification as outlined within the Torbay council licensing statement of principles.
2. Staff under 18 will be supervised in sale of alcohol by an appropriate adult.
3. Children will not be handed alcohol at any time such as at a door upon delivery to a residential address.