The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There must be numerous CCTV cameras placed around the site which records and stores images for up to 28 days.
2. There must be security lighting.
3. The person(s) responsible for the hall booking must ensure that there is no disruptive behaviour.
Public Safety
1. The person(s) responsible for hiring the hall for sporting purposes must be asked to complete a risk assessment form. They shall be made aware of fire exits which must be unobstructed.
2. First aid boxes must be available.
3. Accident book and report forms must be available.
4. Fire safety equipment must be available.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. The premises shall not allow any event to carry on past 2200 hours.
2. The premises shall also not allow alcohol to be consumed on the premises to avoid drunken or anti-social behaviour.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. The premises shall ensure that responsible adults are present to supervise bookings involving persons under 18 with potential requirement to exhibit CRB checks for specific staff.
2. A premises risk assessment shall be sought prior to the booking for the hirer to identify potential hazards and address these.
3. The premises must be bound by Devon & Cornwall Housing Association's statement on child protection.