1) The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order shall be adhered to at all times.
The prevention of crime and disorder
1) On the ground floor of the premises alcohol will only be consumed by persons sat at tables and having a table meal at the premises. The upper floor of the premises will be used for the consumption of alcohol by persons who are seated, provided that those persons have just consumed a table meal within the premises.
2) A CCTV system capable of providing images of an evidential standard in all lighting conditions, particularly with regard to facial recognition, shall operate throughout the times the premises are open to the public, with monitors behind all bars and a recording system. All recordings shall be kept for a minimum of 14 days and copies of recordings shall be supplied to the police within 7 days of any request.
3) Any identified defect in the CCTV system shall be logged at the premises and remedied as soon as reasonably practical. The Police Licensing Officer or Police Licensing Team shall be notified by email of all defects, the action required to rectify the situation and the time frame for such action within 24 hours of the defect being identified.
4) The Premises Licence holder or DPS shall carry out a risk assessment to determine whether any door stewards are required, and if so required employ them at such times and in such numbers as determined by that risk assessment.
5) The premises shall join the Nitenet Radio System and actively participate in this initiative.
6) Any persons employed at the premises in the sale and supply of alcohol shall attend and successfully complete the BIIAB Level 1 Award in Responsibl Alcohol Retailing within 2 months of commencing employment.
7) The DPS must hold or complete the BIIAB National Certificate for Designated Premises Supervisors within 2 months of commencing employment at the premises.
8) A record of all staff training, including copies of all relevant BIIAB certificates, shall be kept at the premises for a minimum period of 12 months and be available to the police or Local Authority Licensing Officers for inspection on demand.
9) A Personal Licence holder shall be on duty at all times the premises sell or supply alcohol.
10) Notices regarding the refusal of sale of alcohol to persons who appear drunk shall be prominently displayed at all points of sale on each floor of the premises and at the entrance to the premises, for the attention of all customers.
11) The DPS shall ensure that an Incident Book is kept on the premises and that all incidents are recorded therein on a daily basis. This record shall include the full names of all persons involved if possible or practical to do so. The incident book shall be made available for inspection by a police officer, a police licensing officer or officers of the local authority on demand, and such records shall be kept at the premises for a minimum of 12 months.
12) The premises shall maintain a refusals log and record all reasons for refusing entry, and where practical, record details of all persons refused entry. This record shall be made available for inspection by a police officer, a police licensing officer or officers of the local authority on demand, and such records shall be kept at the premises for a minimum of 12 months.
13) The Premises Licence holder will ensure that the DPS or other nominated person shall attend at least two meetings of the Torquay Licensing Forum per calendar year, together with any other meetings arranged by the police in respect of high risk events.
14) All drinks shall be served in shatterproof glasses or plastic/polycarbonate vessels and no alcohol shall be served in glass bottles after 23:00 hrs from which it is intended or likely that a person shall drink.
15) The premises shall have a zero tolerance to controlled drugs and have a written drugs policy outlining what action will be taken in respect of individuals found in possession of drugs. A copy of this policy shall be retained on the premises and shall be made available for inspection by a police officer, a police licensing officer or officers of the local authority on demand.
16) The consumption of alcohol in the Pavement Cafe Permit area (if applicable) shall be restricted to the times indicated within the Permit and in compliance with all the terms and conditions specified therein.
17) The premises shall display clear signage which states when persons under 18 years are permitted on the premises.
Public safety
1) Free drinking water shall be available at all times.
2) When disabled people are present, adequate arrangements shall exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. Review and assessment of accessibility in line with the Disability Discrimination Act shall be complete and kept on the premises.
3) The licensees shall ensure that at all times there are adequate first aid arrangements. The arrangements for first aid provision include a first aid box, an adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials to be used by patrons. Suitable protective equipment shall be provided to deal with hypodermic needles, blood spillages and other body fluids. Procedures shall be in place to ensure that body fluids are dealt with in a safe manner to avoid the risk of communicable diseases.
4) Means of addressing patrons during operating hours which must be heard about entertainment, or as a means of interrupting the entertainment and making important safety announcements, shall be available.
5) CCTV must be in operation in areas not visible from the bar.
6) A safe capacity of the whole premises and each floor of the premises shall be maintained at all times. Such capacities to be agreed with the Fire Authority.
The prevention of public nuisance
1) Noise from licensable entertainment shall not be distinguishable from the ambient noise on the street 10 meters or more from the premises. This shall be assessed from the street. However, should a complaint from a resident in the area be made, steps shall be taken to ensure that noise breakout is reduced to a level agreed with the Local Authority and the residents.
2) All regulated music should be played through a noise limiter which is to be set at a reasonable level as agreed with the local responsible authority for public nuisance; this is to be independently calibrated and copies of reports must be kept on site and available on request by an authorised officer. It shall be sealed in a tamper proof box and adjustments shall only be made with the written permission of the responsible authority for public nuisance.
3) Performances of live music must be staged at the rear of the building.
4) All doors and windows must be kept closed after 23:00 hrs. A written management scheme shall be in place to ensure this situation remains.
5) No changes that increase the level of volume to the Public Address system shall be made without prior consultation with the local Environmental Health Department; this includes moving of speakers, addition or removal of any equipment and the use of guest acts or DJ's own equipment.
6) Entrances must be provided with lobbies with automatic door-closers. The lobbies shall be in use throughout the time of entertainment.
7) Lobbies shall be constructed and operated in such a way to ensure that if regulated entertainment is being played inside the premises, only one door shall be opened at any one time to prevent noise breakout. These doors shall be fitted with automatic closers.
8) Where any proposed structural changes are made to the premises, agreement must be reached with Environmental Health Department that these works will not increase noise breakout before the works are commenced.
9) Cooking, noxious or persistent smells from the premises will not cause a nuisance to nearby properties.
10) There shall be no exterior sited speakers or speakers in doorways and lobbies.
11) Suitable signage at exits requesting that patrons make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises shall be displayed.
12) Patrons shall be asked not to stand around in the street outside the premises and shall be asked to leave quickly and quietly.
13) Provision of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system shall not allow noise breakout from the premises or cause a nuisance by its operation.
14) Regular maintenance shall be carried out on all plant and machinery to ensure that noise disturbance from such sources is kept to a minimum.
15) Deliveries of goods shall be restricted to hours between 08:00 and 17:00 hrs.
16) The handling of beer kegs, bottles and similar items shall not take place in the late evening or during the early morning when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside buildings.
17) Skips and bins containing cans or bottles shall not be emptied after the premises close but shall be dealt with the next day during office hours.
18) The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises shall be kept to a minimum after 17:00 hrs.
19) All rubbish produced by the premises shall be stored securely in the designated area or in a bin with tight-fitting lid to prevent litter being blown around.
The protection of children from harm
1) The premises shall operate a Challenge 25 policy and any individual who appears to be under the age of 25 will be required to produce an approved form of photographic identification as outlined within the Torbay Council's Licensing Statement of Principles.
2) No persons under the age of 18 years shall be permitted on the premises after 21:00 hrs unless they are consuming a table meal in the company of a responsible adult in which case they can remain until 22:00 hrs.
3) An exception to under 18s being permitted on the premises after 22:00 hrs shall be to attend a pre-arranged private function in the company of a responsible adult where the premises are closed to the public.
4) The premises shall display clear signage which states when persons under 18 years are permitted on the premises.