The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Delivery drivers shall only take a minimum amount of cash for use as change on each 'round', they shall deposit takings from each 'round' at the premises between trips.
2. There shall be a policy of safe practice for employees that handle money in public; any violence or threat of violence shall be reported to the Police immediately.
3. All delivery drivers shall be 18 years of age and above.
4. All staff shall have attended a documented in house training course before starting work that covers aspects of the licensing act as it is relevant to this particular business, and their specific role within it. Records shall be kept for a minimum of 12 months; such records shall be available on demand for inspection by the Police, Torbay Council Licensing Department and Torbay Council Trading Standards Officers at any reasonable time.
5. All staff shall have bi-annual refresher meetings on the above (point 5).
6. At the time of ordering all customers shall be asked to supply the following details:
- Name
- Delivery Address
- Confirmation of being over 18
- The alcohol order
7. The above supplied details (point 7) shall be written on the order sheet, a copy of which will accompany the alcohol throughout the delivery, and be left with the customers on delivery.
8. The above supplied details (point 7) shall be written on the order sheet, a copy of which shall remain on record on the premises and be kept for a minimum of 12 months. Such records shall be available on demand for inspection by the Police, Torbay Council Licensing Department and Torbay Council Trading Standards Officers at any reasonable time.
9. Only alcohol ordered for delivery shall typically be carried on delivery vehicles at any time the vehicle is in use for a delivery. Exceptions to this shall include, alcohol being returned to the premises due to, for example, staff refusal to serve, non answer at address etc.
10. Alcohol shall only be delivered to a Residential or Commercial addresses. Specifically not to public outdoor spaces.
11. No alcohol shall be sold to the public from the premises asides from by remote ordering methods, i.e internet, telephone, mail order etc.
12. The public shall not be permitted to attend the premises to order, pay for or collect any good, including alcohol.
13. All media (website & flyers) shall have age restricted warnings and the current relevant links (if digital) on.
Public Safety
1. There shall be an accident book on site.
2. There shall be a medical box on site.
3. There shall be a dustpan and brush and glass bin on site.
4. Telephone numbers shall be displayed for NHS Direct and RIDDOR.
5. There shall be fire equipment on site.
The Prevention of Public Nusiance
1. Typically deliveries shall be solo, except in cases of for example, staff training. In these exceptions staff shall be aware of noise issues and talking etc when outside of their vehicles.
2. Car stereos shall be turned off before the driver exists the vehicle, or open doors/windows.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. In the case of age verifiction indentificatitn, acceptable Photo ID shall be Passport, Driving Licence or Provisional Driving Licence.
2. Customers that appear to the driver to be under the age of 25 shall be asked to provide Photo ID.
3. There shall be no sale, even to an ID holder if there is blatant under-age drinking at the delivery premises.