1. The sale of alcohol must only take place under the careful supervision of a Personal Licence holder on board each vessel, under the general supervision of the Designated Premises Supervisor.
2. All vessels must be manned by Personnel who have received training as directed by the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) for the safety and security of passengers on board a Domestic Passenger Vessel.
3. All Boat Masters of vessels must be fully certified by the MCA; they must conduct their vessel in accordance with International Rules for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, in accordance with Torquay Harbour Byelaws and with existing Safety Management codes on board, approved and regularly audited by the MCA.
4. Alcohol sales, alcohol consumption or regulated entertainment must not take place on board the vessel whilst secured alongside at Torquay or Brixham, unless severe weather conditions make it unsafe to get under way. In such circumstances, but only with pre-booked charter groups on board, the duration of the charter would take place secured alongside with alcohol sales, consumption and regulated entertainment allowed. There must never be more than two vessels engaged in such activity at any one time.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Crew members must be trained to MCA specification supervise and embarking and disembarking of patrons and they are clearly identifiable by their uniform.
2. Alcoholic drinks must only be consumed out of toughened glasses within the zones indicated on the plan of the vessel. Wine and champagne bottles may be taken from the bar to tables within the alcohol consumption zone.
3. Customers must not be permitted to take open containers of alcoholic or soft drinks from the premises.
4. Customers carrying open or sealed bottles or glasses must not be permitted to the premises except where a party organiser is providing their own wine and has agreed corkage charges in advance.
5. All bottles and glasses must be removed from public areas as soon as they are finished with or empty.
6. Crews on board all Dart Pleasure Craft vessel must be able to contact Marie Rescue Sub Centre (MRSC) Brixham by VHF marine radio in the event of any emergency. There is an existing Search & Rescue Cooperation plan between Dart Pleasure Craft Ltd and MRSC Brixham.
7. All vessels must have passenger capacity limits and associated crew requirements which are specified by the MCA and must be strictly adhered to.
8. Where the age of a customer is in doubt, proof of age must be required before alcohol sale takes place.
9. Drinks promotions must not be permitted.
10. Dart Pleasure Craft Ltd has zero drug tolerance policy on board all company vessels.
11. A secure facility to store controlled drugs such as paracetamol must be available on board.
12. Crime Prevention notices must be on board warning customers of the prevalence of Crime which may target them, e.g. "bags should not be left unattended".
13. A detailed "customer code of conduct" poster must be displayed warning customers that if they act in an inappropriate manner, they could be barred from all company vessels.
14. Policy for management of large groups: - A group must be required to nominate a responsible person to liaise with staff on board.
15. Incident logs must be kept on all company vessels for the official recording of any public disorder in accordance with the Safety Management Code.
Public Safety
1. Fire Safety Measures - All Dart Pleasure Craft Vessels must be subjected to annual material examination by MCA surveyors, which include the testing of installed fire-fighting and fire alarm systems and the verification that portable fire-fighting equipment carried complies with passenger certificate specifications.
2. MCA surveyors must examine the Safety Management Code (containing full emergency procedures) twice per year and issue a Safety Management Certificate for each vessel. The maintenance, re-charging and certification or portable fire fighting equipment must be carried out and an annual certificate must be issued.
3. All Dart Pleasure Craft vessels must be surveyed and afloat annually by MCA surveyors. The examination must include the installed electrical systems which must comply with Merchant Shipping Safety Specifications. Temporary installations on board must also be included with the exception of contract discotheques.
4. Free drinking water must be available on board every vessel, laboratory tested annually as fit for human consumption.
5. The maximum numbers permitted to be carried on board company vessels must be adhered to as specified in the Passenger Certificate. Actual numbers embarking are recorded by gangway staff and a record must be kept on board and ashore for every trip made.
6. Disabled customers must be welcome on board Dart Pleasure Craft vessels, but for safe access a small degree of mobility is required by everyone.
7. Owing to the design of the jetty and the vessel, people who use wheelchairs must be able to walk (assisted if necessary) for just a few steps for access at the boarding gates, since crews cannot lift occupied wheelchairs. Each wheelchair must be accompanied by an attendant to help the occupant in the event of an emergency on board. Motorised wheelchairs are not permitted on board, since their size obstructs the safe movement of passengers. The total number of wheelchairs permitted to be carried at the discretion of the Master of the vessel.
8. Toilet facilities must be available.
9. All vessels must have sufficient natural air ventilation/circulation for passenger comfort. Noise pollution must be controlled by the Master to comply with Torquay Harbour notices which clearly specify the geographical zones in the Torbay area where silence must be observed after certain times. This compliance must be achieved by close liaison between the Master and the band/disco operator and by way of a wheelhouse over-ride switch to the music amplifier power outlet. Ventilation must not be comprised in the interests of prevention noise breakout.
10. Special effects must not be used unless full safety controls are in place with consideration of guidance from the Environmental Health Department.
11. Lasers must not be permitted.
12. Dart Pleasure Craft Ltd must ensure that all times, that there are adequate first aid arrangements. All Boat Master and the majority or crew members must be qualified in date first aiders.
13. An adequate and appropriate supply of First-Aid equipment and materials must be available for the use of patrons. MCA state is one type-approved First Aid box per 100 people or part thereof carried.
14. Suitable protective equipment must be provided to deal with hypodermic needles, blood spillages and other body fluids. Procedures must be in place to ensure that body fluids are dealt with in a safe manner to avoid the risk of communicable disease.
15. Gangways, exit routes and steps must be maintained in good order with non-slip and even surfaces. Edges of steps and stairways must be conspicuously marked.
16. Sufficient numbers of staff who are suitably trained must be provided on the premises as specified on the passenger Certificate.
17. All staff must receive suitable training regarding action to take in an emergency and in general safety precautions.
18. Vessels must be checked daily by Masters and crews as part of start-up checks.
19. The provision of plastic glasses and bottles must be reviewed depending on the type of entertainment provided and the number of behaviour of patrons attending.
20. Regular glass and bottle collection must be undertaken throughout opening hours.
21. A Public Address System must be used to address patrons during operating hours.
22. Barriers must be installed on access pontoons for queue safety and control. All vessels are fitted with MCA approved guard-rails to prevent patrons falling.
23. Patrons must not be exposed to excessive noise.
24. All doors must be easily openable without the use of a key, card, code or similar means and must be available for egress while the public are on the premises.
25. Means of escape must be maintained, unobstructed immediately available and clearly identifiable.
26. Exit doors must be regularly checked to ensure they function satisfactorily.
27. Any removable security fastenings must be removed whenever the premises are open to the public or staff.
27. All fire doors must be maintained effectively self-closing and must not be held open than by approved devices.
28. Step, sill and stair edges must be highlighted so as to be conspicuous.
29. All gangways, exit ways and treads of steps or stairways must be maintained with non-slippery and even surfaces.
30. All floor coverings must be secured and maintained so that they will not ruck. Mats must be fitted into mat wells so as to be flush within the door surface.
31. Hangings, curtains and temporary decorations must be maintained in a flame retardant condition.
32. Upholstered seating to be fire retardant and compliant with current fire safety regulations.
33. Curtains, hangings and temporary decorations must not obstruct exits, fire safety signs or fire-fighting equipment.
34. Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of the fire of other emergency must be prominently displayed and maintained in good condition. A safety and emergency briefing is given by the Master over the PA system on sailing.
35. Access to the closest point of road approach to the alongside berth in Torquay and at Brixham must be available for emergency vehicles.
36. Fire drill and emergency lighting tests must be conducted monthly in accordance with MCA requirements. Records of these tests must be made available to the Licensing Authority upon request. The Emergency Procedures training Log must be held in the wheelhouse part of the Safety Management Code.
37. All fire exits and means of escape must have signs in accordance with BS5499.
38. An evacuation policy must be in place that is the satisfaction of the Fire Authority. All staff members must be trained in the evacuation policy.
39. Wall and ceiling finishes must be fire resistant.
40. Exit doors on vessels generally open outwards.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise or vibration must be emanate from the premises such as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed by Torquay Harbour byelaws.
2. Noise levels must be positively controlled by Boat Masters in order to comply with Torquay Harbour byelaws covering noise pollution without compromising ships ventilation.
3. A PA announcement must be made by the Boat Master before patrons disembark requesting that noise/disturbance is avoided.
4. Staff must be positioned at gangways when patrons disembark to ensure noise is minimised.
5. The Master must assess the impact of noisy activities on neighbouring residential premises to the Vessels' geographical position and take appropriate action to prevent public nuisance.
6. The delivery of goods must be restricted to between 09:00 hours and 17:00 hours.
7. The handling of beer kegs, bottles and other similar items must not take place in the late evening, at night and during the early morning, when the noise generated could cause a nuisance.
8. Bottle skips and bins containing cans or bottles must not be emptied outside after closing, but must be dealt with the next day during normal office hours.
9. The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises must be kept to a minimum. Rubbish bought ashore by hand, at the end of a charter must be placed in skips provided on the jetty.
10. All the rubbish produced by the vessels must be stored securely in a designated area or bin with a tight fitting and lockable lid.
11. External lighting on board the vessel must comply with the internal regulations for the prevention of collisions at sea. Domestic lighting must be switched off by 0100 when crews have cleaned the vessel after an evening charter.
12. Flashing or bright lights must only be placed in positions that do not cause a nuisance to residents on the harbourside, people on board private vessels at marinas or other harbour users.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. There are no age restrictions on board Dart Pleasure Craft vessels a proof of age policy must be in effect at the bar for the sale of alcohol.
2. Events which include nudity or striptease must not be permitted on board the vessel.