1. Any regulated entertainment shall be under the control of a member of the BID team, and an appropriate assessment of the event shall take place prior to its commencement and during the event.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Events shall be adequately managed and staffed to ensure public safety and security. Where necessary Police and Security Staff shall be employed to ensure prevention of crime and disorder.
2. There shall be clear and legible notice at the premises indicating the normal hours under the terms of the premises licence during which licensable activities are permitted.
3. As far as is practical, that persons on or leaving an event or activity in the licensed area and using the adjacent car park and highways shall be reminded to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and do not in any way cause annoyance to residents or other town users.
4. Torbay Council CCTV covers the licensed BID area and shall be used to enhance the safety of patrons and staff and to capture evidence for use in the case of prosecution or arrest for disorderly Conduct and to identify potential problems before they occur.
5. All Premises serving Alcohol shall display a notice reminding customers not to consume alcohol in the no drinking zones areas.
6. Any event including the off sales of alcohol shall be notified to the police and the local Authority at least 14 days prior to the event taking place.
7. No disorderly behaviour shall be tolerated within the licensed area associated with event or activity taking place.
8. The Licence Holder shall be responsible for Security of cash/monies taken at events.
9. Sufficient numbers of stewards/police who are suitably trained shall be provided on the premises, depending on the activities or entertainment taking place on site and the likelihood of overcrowding. Security staff should be licensed with the security industry association.
10. When on duty, every attendant or organiser representative shall wear a hi-viz waistcoat and optionally a uniform dependent upon the event or activity and no person under the age of sixteen shall be employed as an attendant on the premises.
Public Safety
1. Adequate access shall be provided for emergency vehicles at all times.
2. Where event or activities are taking place on 'live' routes the organiser shall consult with the police and PSAG to decide upon the most appropriate traffic management plan. If road closures are required the organiser shall be responsible for obtaining that order and/or providing safety barriers to ensure that there is no conflict between vehicles and the public.
3. Where the public occupies restricted spaces, all reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that they do not obstruct exits roads, pavement steps within the licensed area.
4. Street furniture and facilities in parts of the licensed area where an event or activity is taking place shall be checked before the event or activity to ensure that they are safe and operational.
5. At least one qualified First Aider shall be present in the licensed area during the whole time the area is being used for regulated entertainment.
6. The date on which any staff have obtained first aid qualification or received refresher training shall be recorded and kept in a logbook.
7. Staff shall be briefed on emergency evacuation procedure.
8. Exit routes shall be maintained free from obstruction at all times.
9. The Licensee shall take all possible steps to eliminate the dangers of fire occurring and ensure that all members of staff, stewards and attendants are fully instructed in their duties in the event of fire.
10. Risk Assessment shall be submitted to the local authority to ensure that public is assured at all times. Measures shall be taken to ensure that suitably qualified staff and adequate resources are employed appropriate to the event or licensable activity.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. All people at the event shall be notified by signage to keep noise down on leaving the premises.
2. Noise and vibration shall be prevented escaping from the premises, including music, noise from ventilation equipment and human voices. There shall be regular monitoring of the event and noise levels.
3. There shall be prevention of fumes causing a nuisance to occupants of nearby residential and commercial premises or land.
4. Disturbance shall be prevented from light arising from special effect lighting.
5. Disturbance shall be prevented by patrons arriving at premises.
6. People shall have a clear exit from the premises to allow a crowd to disperse quickly.
7. Containers shall be provided to keep litter to a minimum.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. The proposed events shall be by and large aimed at a family audience. The material and contents of any public entertainment shall be suitable for children. Where there is likely to be any deviation from this the public shall be made aware of this in advance and it shall not be permitted in areas where children are present.
2. In the case of the sale of alcohol only staff expressly designated by the organiser shall be permitted to sell alcohol and they will be made aware of the obligation of the Licensing Act 2003 and their duty in regards to the sale of alcohol to minors.
3. During performance principally for child audiences, additional steps shall be provided to ensure the safety and well being of children present in the licensed area. Arrangements for the repatriation of lost children shall be made where necessary.
4. The premises shall adhere to Torbay Council's Child Protection Policy.
5. Suitable staff training and age identification scheme shall be in place and adhered to.
6. Signs shall be provided informing customers that under 18's shall not be served alcohol and that proof of identification shall be required to include either a photo drivers licence, passport issued the EU, proof of age card, or official ID card issued by HM Forces or EU country bearing a photograph of the bearer, ID with the PASS hologram.