The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. All money must be removed from the shop at close of business daily.
2. The premises must be alarmed and secure.
3. CCTV must be provided, to include coverage of shop entrance, till point ,aisles & exterior of premises and shall be displayed on 8 screen. Footage to be kept for 31 days.
4. All spirits must be displayed behind counter and spirits purchased handed to customer by shop staff.
Public Safety
1. Premises must be well-lit inside; nearby street lighting outside.
2. Fire prevention recommendations must be adhered to, including smoke alarms etc.
3. Aisles between gondolas / shelving shall be kept clear.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. There must be no sales of alcohol to persons who are drunk or approaching a state of drunkenness.
2. Notices indicating requirement for proof of age must be erected.
3. CCTV cameras must show scene outside premises.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. There must be no sales of alcohol to persons under 18.
2. A log book must be maintained showing record of refused sales.
3. A full range of soft drinks must be available.