1. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be refused to be served.
2. Anyone looking under 25 years old shall be refused with ID.
3. The premises shall be alarmed.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. All spirits shall be behind the counter and sold by counter service only. No single cans of beer shall be sold.
2. CCTV system shall be installed of an evidential standard and to the satisfaction of the police and which would be in operation whilst the premises are open to the public. All recordings from the system to be kept for 14 days with police having access to recordings.
Public Safety
1. Panic button alarm shall be fitted.
2. Documental records shall be kept of all issues on incidents and refusals.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Bins shall be provided.
2. The premises shall work closely with Police and PCSO.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. The premises shall not sell alcohol to anyone under 18 and requesting ID of anyone looking under 25.
2. The premises shall be monitoring adults purchasing alcohol to ensure they are not purchasing for under 18's.
3. All alcohol shall be in view of the till counter.