The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. All staff shall be trained to ask for proof of identity if they appear to look underage, as well as visible signage saying if you look under 21 then you will have to show ID.
2. Responsible drinking shall be promoted and there shall be no happy hour or 2 for 1 drinks promotions.
3. Effective measures shall be put in place to prevent the use and supply of drugs.
4. No adult shall be allowed to buy alcohol for minors.
5. Premises shall be alarmed.
Public Safety
1. The premises shall be gas and electrical compliant.
2. Fire safety shall be checked and staff trained by an independent consultant.
3. Taxi number shall be on show.
4. First aid shall be available.
5. All relevant signage shall be put up.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Refuse shall be disposed by a contractor.
2. All customers who are considered to have had too much alcohol shall be refused service.
3. Music level shall be kept to a reasonable level.
4. Management shall regularly check outside for noise level and ensure this is at a permitted level.
5. Live entertainment shall only be held no more than 12 times per year and no more than once a week.
6. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises such to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. No gambling shall be allowed on the premises.
2. No unsupervised children shall be allowed.
3. Underage drinking signage shall be on show and staff trained to ask for ID.
4. No tobacco sales shall be available.
5. No children shall be allowed on the premises after 10pm.