1. CCTV system with recording facilities shall be in place on site.
2. Appropriate staff training shall be satisfactorily completed and recorded. Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by a relevant officer of a responsible authority. There shall be an appropriate training manual.
3. Refusals book, Challenge 21 and PASS accredited proof of age initiative shall be operated by all staff.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. CCTV system with recording facilities shall be in place on site.
2. Spirits shall be located behind the counter.
3. Appropriate staff training shall be satisfactorily completed and recorded. Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by a relevant officer of a responsible authority. There shall be an appropriate training manual.
Public Safety
1. CCTV system with recording facilities shall be in place on site.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Appropriate staff training shall be satisfactorily completed and recorded. Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by a relevant officer of a responsible authority. There shall be an appropriate training manual.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Appropriate staff training shall be satisfactorily completed and recorded. Training records can be made available for inspection upon reasonable request by a relevant officer of a responsible authority. There shall be an appropriate training manual.
2. Spirits shall be located behind the counter.
3. Challenge 21 and PASS accredited proof of age initiative shall be operated by all staff.