Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. A sign requesting customers to leave quietly shall be fixed on the door.
2. Till drawers shall be removed and cash taken away every afternoon.
3. No disorderly behaviour shall be tolerated.
Public Safety
1. Fire equipment shall be placed at right areas.
2. Sign for slippings and wet floors shall be available.
3. First Aid Box shall be available.
4. Fire prevention shall be organised by contractors - fire certificate resulting the work.
5. The premises shall keep an accident book.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. A low voltage ventilation system shall be added - low noise/decibel production.
2. The premises shall be recycling bottles - newspapers and use the Red Plastic bag Torbay scheme.
3. Cooking, noxious or persistent smells from the premises shall not cause a nuisance to nearby properties and the premises shall be properly vented.
Protection of Children from Harm
1. ID shall be produced.
2. Children must be accompanied by an adult up to 18 years old.
3. Alcohol shall only be served to adults 18 years old or over.