1. Where reasonably practicable, all efforts shall be made to uphold the four licensing objectives, by reading and understanding the evidence notes set out.
2. A full staff training regime shall be adopted so no misunderstanding can occur in keeping within the licensing objectives.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There shall be clear suitable signs indicating licensable activities.
2. There shall ensure occupancy does not exceed Authorities' guidelines for floor space and welfare facilities.
3. There shall be management or appointed supervisor to control entry levels.
4. There shall be signage to encourage people to be respectful of the local community at all times.
5. The building and car park must already be covered by CCTV.
6. Toughened glass shall be used at all times.
7. All staff shall be trained in the responsibilities of selling alcohol and for checking for underage drinking.
Public Safety
1. An existing log book for inspections must already be kept on site. All incidents shall be recorded and corrective measures taken.
2. All equipment within the premises shall be regularly checked and maintained.
3. First aid box must be kept on site.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise and vibration shall not emanate from the premises such as to cause local community to be disturbed.
2. Suitable signage shall be displayed at all exits requesting respect for local community.
3. Deliveries and refuse shall be handled during times not to cause disturbances to local community.
4. No amplified music shall be played at any time.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Age restrictions shall be applied for the sale of alcohol. Proof of age shall be required.
2. There shall be suitable signage to prevent underage drinking.