1. A safe and friendly trading environment shall be guaranteed by providing the necessary signage, clear opening hours and fire safety equipment at all times.
2. The owners and any employees shall adhere strictly to the laws governing alcohol sales to minors and all sharp equipment shall be kept safely out of reach of customers.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The owners and staff shall ensure the premises are kept safe and secure for everybody by fitting comprehensive alarm systems; ensuring tills are clearly empty of any cash by leaving drawers open and by keeping a security light on throughout closing hours.
2. Drunk and disorderly customers must not be tolerated at any time.
Public Safety
1. Exits shall be clearly marked as will be fire equipment such as extinguishers and a fire blanket.
2. A first aid box shall be provided on site.
3. The entrance to the shop must be flat from street level for easy disabled access.
4. Non-slip flooring must be provided throughout.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Refuse shall be stored in lockable bins and out of public view.
2. There must be a ventilation outlet to ensure no smells of cooking can be experienced from outside the shop.
3. No music shall be played in the shop other than a radio in the food preparation area.
4. The shop shall not trade unsociable hours.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. The shop shall not stock any form of tobacco.
2. All staff shall be fully trained regarding the law of sales of alcohol to minors, and where doubt exists proof of ID shall be required or sale shall be refused.
3. It is not anticipated that the shop shall appeal to young children unless accompanied by parents.