1. Alcoholic drinks shall be dispensed from refrigerator kept in the clubhouse.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Members and invited guests only shall be present.
2. Committee members shall be present to control any disorderly conduct.
3. No cash shall be left on the premises.
4. Under 18s shall be accompanied by parent/guardian.
Public Safety
1. Members and guests shall be covered by club insurance.
2. Fire equipment must be on site and clearly identified, as is also emergency exits (illuminated).
3. The exits shall be clear of obstacles.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. The premises must be sited in a public park, but no music of amplified sound shall be likely.
2. Bottles shall be disposed of during the day.
3. Deliveries of stock items shall be delivered during the day.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Under eighteens shall be accompanied by parent/guardian.
2. Adult entertainment live or films shall not be entertained.
3. A Child Protection Officer (registered) shall be appointed.
4. Identification shall be sought if the age of anyone is suspect.