1. Patrons shall not bring their own drinks to the premises.
2. Patrons shall not be allowed to take drinks away from the area designated on the plan.
3. Staff shall prevent the sale of alcohol to any individual below the age of 18.
4. Disabled people shall exit the premises in the event of an emergency in any direction.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. No alcohol shall be retained on the premises overnight and all drinks shall be waitress served in shatter proof glasses.
2. No drinks shall be served in bottles.
3. It must be stressed that this shall be a daytime service in a substantially peaceful area.
4. The cliental of Claws shall tend not to be composed of those individuals who are remotely likely to be disorderly.
Public Safety
1. The chairs and tables shall be sited on the harbourside, but there shall be a substantial fence between the public footpath and the harbour.
2. On the highway side there shall be an adequate walkway separating the premises from the road.
3. A rope and post screen shall be erected daily between the seating area and the public footpath bordering the highway.
4. Glasses and crockery shall be cleared by waiters very regularly.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. The kiosk shall only serve glasses of wine or beer to seated customers who have purchased a meal.
2. The grant of a licence shall alleviate the temptation to cross the highway with glasses.
3. The kiosk shall not open at times when any public nuisance has or would occur.
4. No additional noise or disturbance shall emanate from the premises than at present.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Children shall be seated with their parents or guardians, public walkways shall be clearly marked with rope boundary markers and the harbour itself shall be fenced off to the satisfaction of the Health & Safety Executive.
2. No entertainment, or other activity, likely to be injurious to children shall take place on the premises.