1. Cider must be in plate glass cabinet with no entry for members of the public.
2. There must be no visual display for cider when the shop is closed.
3. The cider shall be gift packed only (no cans).
4. The display must be out of children’s reach.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There must be a TV monitoring system.
2. The premises must be in a well lit area.
3. There must be security shutters.
Public Safety
1. Fire certificates must be on display and also fire safety equipment.
2. The exit must be kept well clear.
3. The property must be alarmed.
4. There shall be signage for wet floors.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Deliveries and rubbish shall be disposed of during daylight hours.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. There must be no underage sales.