1. All four licensing objectives shall be promoted chiefly by staff training and risk analysis, together with appropriate signage.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Criminal behaviour shall not be allowed in what is essentially a family-friendly environment.
2. The premises must have the telephone number of the local community beat officer in case of any inappropriate activity.
Public Safety
1. Risk assessment and staff training shall take place on a regular basis.
2. No customers shall be served alcohol whilst standing.
3. All fire safety equipment (extinguishers etc) shall be maintained and certified.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. There shall be no entertainment shall be staged at all.
2. There shall be strict control over noise and light pollution.
3. Opening hours shall be as such that persons shall be gone by 23.00hours.
4. The premises shall not allow or promote excessive drinking.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. The Coffee House shall welcome families and shall take all measures to ensure responsible staff is trained to ensure no alcohol shall be served to under 18's.
2. The premises shall operate the Challenge 21 policy.
3. Only ID cards with photos that are of a recognised reputation shall be accepted.