1. Low level recorded music shall be between the hours of 8am and midnight.
2. Provision of late night refreshments shall be between the hours of 11pm and midnight.
3. Hours of business trading as a guest house shall be midnight to midnight.
4. All staff shall act in a responsible manner with due diligence and trade only within the above licence restrictions and local council policy.
5. All legal obligations shall be aware of and especially enforce the 'Challenge 21' practice and be vigilant against drugs and their users.
6. Responsible drinking and general behaviour shall be promoted.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Adequate security lighting shall be installed on all external entrances and exits.
2. All residents shall have their own front access keys and bedroom door keys.
3. Staff shall be vigilant against disorderly behaviour.
4. As far as is practical, that persons on or leaving the premises and using adjacent car parks and highways shall be reminded to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and do not in any way cause annoyance to residents or persons passing by.
5. All tills shall be removed at the end of closing each day and all cash shall be locked away in a safe within owners private quarters.
Public Safety
1. All emergency exits shall be well signed and kept unobstructed.
2. All fire safety equipment shall be regularly inspected and kept in excellent working order.
3. Regular risk assessments shall be undertaken for fire, health and safety, environmental and law enforcement.
4. There shall be first aid equipment available, suitable for the numbers on site.
5. An accident book shall be available to record any incidents.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises such as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed. In general terms, noise from the premises should not be audible within any noise sensitive premises (e.g. dwelling) with windows open for normal ventilation especially after 11pm. This shall be assessed from the boundary to the nearest residential properties, on all sides of the licensed premises. The criteria that shall be applied are:-
(i) Before 11pm - Noise emanating from the premises shall not be clearly distinguishable above other noise.
(ii) After 11pm - Noise emanating from the premises shall not be distinguishable above background levels of noise.
(iii) The local authority shall reserve the right in cases of tonal noise and where premises are attached to others (i.e. semi's and terraced properties) to make further assessments from within the residential property.
2. The volume of amplified sound used in connection with the entertainment provided shall at all times be under the control of the Licensee/Management and the controlling mechanism shall be operated from a part of the premises not accessible to the public.
3. The placing of refuse, such as bottles, into receptacles outside the premises shall take place at times that will prevent disturbance to nearby properties.
4. Doors and windows shall be kept shut during entertainment to reduce noise breakout. A management scheme shall be in place to ensure this situation remains.
5. The use of gardens and external play areas shall not commence before the start of normal trading hours and shall cease at dusk or at 21.00 hrs, whichever is the earlier.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. To prevent the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 18 years suitable written proof of age from young people attempting to purchase alcohol, in accordance with documents specified by Torbay Council's "Statement of Licensing Policy".
2. Bar staff shall be suitably trained to prevent the sale of alcohol to under 18's.
3. In the interests of protecting children from harm, children below the age of 14 years shall be excluded from the bar area after 21.00 (excluding Christmas Eve and New Years Eve).
4. All children must be accompanied by an adult during licensing hours in the bar.