1. The premises shall abide by controlling all evening social events held by their PTFA by admission via ticket only.
2. Each evening shall be for a discreet audience known to the school, and shall be monitored for health, safety and security.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The premises shall limit the attendance of adults at any one indoor event to 150.
2. The entrance shall be electronically controlled.
3. Indoor social events must be by ticket.
4. The premises must have an on-site car park.
5. PTFA officers must staff all events.
Public Safety
1. The keys aspects of this shall be closely linked to those already pertaining the organisation and management of safety in a school.
2. The premises must abide by their Health and Safety Policy.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. The hall must be protected by the main building, with one side facing a field.
2. Patrons shall be reminded to leave quietly.
3. All doors and windows shall be kept closed whilst music is played.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. Children must not be present at PTFA social events.
2. Outdoor and indoor fayres shall not include any aspects likely to be unsuitable for children.