1. The circus infrastructure and premises facilities and layout must be designed to ensure the safety and welfare of circus personnel audiences and others as far as is reasonably practicable.
2. The European Entertainment Corporation shall accept full responsibility for safe event management and all associated issues arising from the presence and operation of the circus at any given venue.
3. Company policies and procedures and resultant duties and responsibilites shall be discharged by senior tour management who ensure issues arising from the four objectives shall be invigilated and suitable control measures adopted.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The circus general manager shall be responsible for the effective on site management of the circus premises supported by devolved responsibilites being discharged by departmental heads for technical (including cleansing and security), box office, front of house (including stewarding) and catering services.
2. All EEC personnel must be employed on a full time basis and must be conversant with company policies and procedures.
3. Stewards when recruited must be a minimum eighteen years old and must undertake ten days training/observation on procedures prior to being given duties under the supervision of another steward for a further seven operating days.
4. Personnel must be recruited from recognised European agencies specialising in circus staffing requirements.
5. All stewards and house management shall wear easily identifiable uniforms.
6. Steward duty rotas and quotas shall be arranged to cover for absences due to personal reasons and operational matters whilst maintaining minimum cover at all times during operating hours.
7. All circus personnel on stewarding duties shall be aware of the responsibilities and work activity of colleagues allowing all decisions with regard to audience members to be made in respect of cause and effect on colleagues' activities and responsbilities.
8. Whilst the company reserves the right to maintain the security of circus premises and would only use reasonble force if absolutely necessary to ensure continued security and the safety and welfare of all persons present within the circus premises, every effort shall be made to control the situation by non physical means until local police officers were able to respond to their call.
9. Hardware Measures
i) The perimeter of the circus premises shall be secured by continuous temporary security fencing with controlled access/egress via the Box Office.
ii) The circus premises shall have a CCTV system covering the approach to the Box Office/external public circulation area and the external public circulation areas including entry/exit to the foyer area and the access to the public sanitation unit..
iii) Suitable signage shall be provided within circus premises declaring the use of CCTV.
iv) All internal/external areas of circus premises shall have an even level of luminance provided by house and emergency lighting systems with power supplied by main, standby and emergency generators.
v) Senior circus management shall have mobile communication links to contact each other as required.
10. Software Measures
i) The full time employment of circus stewards shall be directed by senior tour mangement (all identifiable by uniform) and working in accordance with EEC policies and procedures as confirmed by risk assessment.
ii) The circus shall employ full time watchperson(s) on duty during all non operating periods (24 hours coverage).
iii) A liaison strategy shall be agreed with local police officers.
11. The circus premises and associated hardware/software security measures, staffing structures, policies/procedures and audience composition shall not be likely to give rise to crime and disorder.
12. Control measures shall also be in place in the unlikely event of any incident occuring in the vicinity of circus premises.
13. Senior tour management shall remain available to liaise with local police.
Public Safety
1. Occupant Capacity
i) The maximum audience capacity (seated only) of EEC productions as determined by calculation shall be 1,134 persons.
ii) Admission shall be by valid ticket only issued by the circus box office and entry shall be at the final discretion of the House Manager.
iii) All persons shall be directed to their seats by duty stewards preventing the possibility of overcrowding in any given seating area.
iv) Audience control measures shall be set out in the Admission Policy.
v) Emergency evacuation procedures shall be set out in the Major Incident Plan.
2) Design and Layout of Premises
i) The tensile structure must be designed and manufactured by Cannobio of Italy for the specific production requirements of EEC promoted circuses.
ii) The tensile membrance must be subject to independent flammibility testing (fire retardent certification must be forwarded to the Fire Authority for review).
iii) Austen-Lewis Ltd manufactured the staging and demountable grandstand seating structures.
iv) All structures must be specified by calculation as determined by anticipated use and represent the best temporary infrastructre available in pursuant of the circus business and the safety of all persons working or visiting circus premises for any reason.
v) Structures must be subject to and carry all necessary certification as required by current legislation.
vi) The layout of the circus premises shall be determined by production requriements and maintaining a simple public circulation system.
vii) The circulation system shall allow audience members to quickly orientate themselves and duty stewards to have clear visibility across all public circulation areas.
3) Licensable Activities
i) The circus artistes, musicians, dancers and singers shall combine to present a perfomance of this current production.
ii) This must be a non animal circus production.
iii) The performance by circus artistes and associated production music, dancing and singing must be deemed regulated entertainment as defined by the Licensing Act 2003.
iv) A maximum of two perfomances a day shall be scheduled to take place during operating days.
v) Each performance shall be two hours in duration including an interval and each is identical as rehearsed so far as is reasonably practicable.
vi) Audience members shall be expected and advised as necessary to remain seated during the performance.
vii) The earliest admission time shall be 13.30 and latest completion 22.15 (including time allocated for the audience exiting the premises).
viii) EEC wish to emphasise that no alcohol sales shall take place on circus premises as they do not deem this to be appropriate for a socially inclusive entertainment.
ix) The on site catering arrangements for circus customers shall not require to be licensed as the unit operates during scheduled performances only (latest completion time 22.00).
4) Hours of Operation
i) Perfomances shall take place in accordance with a pre determined schedule.
ii) Background music shall be played during the thirty minute period the audience is permitted entry to the premises prior to any given performance and a fifteen minute period whilst they leave the premises following the finale.
5. Customer Profile
i) Circus must be a socially inclusive entertainment.
ii) The performance and premises shall allow unrestricted access to any person subject to usual admission policies irrespective of age, gender, mental and/or physical ability, religious and/or sexual orientation.
iii) The majority of people arrive with either family members or as part of a group or association.
iv) Each event shall be advertised for a specific community/region and again the majority of people shall also be familiar with the event location.
6. Crowd Management Measures
i) Each performance and audience must be governed by EEC policy and procedures as confirmed by risk assessment.
ii) EEC shall accept full and final responsibility for safe event management with these duties delegated to an on site senior tour management.
iii) EEC shall have appropriate hardware (fencing/lighting and the like) and software (duty stewards and the like) measures to achieve an appropriate level of crowd management.
iv) EEC therefore shall also accept a corporate duty of care towards all circus personnel, customers, visitors and others.
v) Full time employed and trained uniformed circus stewards shall be on duty throughout operating hours with number and male/female ratio sufficient for audience capacity and anticipated composition with a minimum ten stewards under the direction of the House Manager.
vi) Other circus staff with suitable training shall always be available to reinforce the duty crew.
i) EEC circuses must also have a CCTV system covering the approach to the box office/external public circulation areas and the external public circulation areas including entry/exit to the foyer area and the access to the public santiation unit.
ii) This system must be reinforced by the availability and vigilance of duty stewards.
8. Fire Safety
i) EEC shall fully understand and implement the recommendations of the Guide to Fire Precautions.
ii) EEC fire safety policy, risk assessment and emergency procedures must be made in accordance and compliance with the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regs 1997 (as amended) and any other relevant legislation plus appropriate guidance from local fire authorities.
iii) A strict 'No Smoking' policy must be enforced throughout circus premises as confirmed by clear signage and invigilaged by duty stewards. Any person seen to ignore this policy would be immediately requested to stop and/or removed from the premises if persisting.
iv) Full time employed circus personnel shall be advised and familiar with all EEC fire safety policies and procedures including the major incident plan.
v) Disabled persons access and means of escape requirements shall be made in consideration of the current Approved Document M of the Building Regulations (so far as is reasonably practicable in respect of temporary structure) and BS 5499 as appropriate.
vi) Construction
a) The construction specifications of the temporary structures forming the circus premises must be inherently flame retardant as far as is responsbly practicable. However the tensile membrane has received appropriate treatement and been subject to independing testing (copy certificates forwarded to Fire Authority).
vii) Fire Equipment
a) Portable fire equipment must be provided throughout the premises at designated points with quantity and type(s) subject to anticipated risk.
b) All fire equipment must be subject to annual test to BS 5306 Pt 3 (copy certificate forwarded to Fire Authority) and periodic inspection.
viii) Emergency Exits
a) Emergency final exits must be double (outward swing hinged only) doors within a continuous steel frame laced into the tensile structure walling with non slip threshold plates and arranged at five equally spaced points around the tent perimeter (refer general arrangement drawings).
b) Width (double doors) must be 1520mm clear and height 1990mm clear.
c) All doors must be secured (but not locked) by spring action bolts activated by pull chains from either inside or outside the premises. Appropriate signage indicates the direction of pull down.
d) This shall provide a simple fail-safe method of securing the opening exit doors. A push bar system shall be at risk of damage during loading, transit, installation which might compromise safe evacuation procedures.
e) However the emergency exit doors must not be for general public use and it shall be designated stewards who control egress during an evacuation (refer emergency procedures).
f) All exit doors shall be checked prior to each performance.
g) Exit doors shall have appropriate signage to indicate 'Emergency Exit' on internal and 'Keep Clear' on external surfaces.
h) This system must have been standard to all EEC promoted shows for ten years.
ix) Signage
All necessary fire safety related signage and notices must be provided in compliance with the Health & Safety (Safety Signs & Signals) Regs 1996 and/or BS5499 as appropriate.
x) Escape Routes
a) All public circulation areas/escape routes must be kept clear and free of potential trip/slip hazards being inspected prior to each performance and then periodically during operating hours.
b) Public circulation areas/escape routes shall be suitably illuminated during operating hours by the main house lighting system and emergency lighting provision.
xi) Gangways
a) Gangways shall provide access to the demountable grandstand seating structures.
b) They shall be maintained clear in accordance with (vi.a) above.
c) Gangways shall be securely located to the inclined aluminium supporting structures by pins and have clearly defined nosings (step edges) in white.
d) Dimensions shall be as follows:-
Two blocks of ten row tip up seats with stepped gangways:
Width: 1450mm
Rise: 190mm
Going: 680mm
Two blocks of ten row benches with backrests and 12 degree maximum inclined continuous gangways:
Width: Top: 2230mm
Bottom: 1220mm
xii) Emergency Lighting
a) Internal
Emergency lighting within the tensile structure shall be provided by 12x500w protected halogen lamps spaced evenly in the cupola (octagonal steel frame forming ridge structure to the roof membrane). These are supplied power from the main, standby and emergency generator circuits and is a completely separate provision to the house lights (detailed below). The system provides and even level of luminance throughout the premises.
b) External
Escape routes shall be illumiated as necessary with 500w protected halogen lamps mounted either on the tensile structure supports or secured tripods and supplied power as above.
xiii) Final arrangements shall be made to any furhter advice/recommendations by inspecting offers as appropriate.
9. First Aid
i) Full time employed circus personnel must hold suitable first aid training certification.
ii) A minimum two first aiders must be on duty during operating hours.
iii) The designated first aid point shall be within the box office (suitably signed) with suitable equipment securely stored.
iv) With reference to the Major Incident Plan should there be any doubt regarding the condition of a casualty and/or appropriate treatment the ambulance service shall be immediately called in accordance with procedures.
v) Senior tour management shall be responsible for completing the accident book and/or RIDDOR form(s) as approriate.
10. Lighting
i) House lights within the tensile structure shall be provided by 8x500w protected halogen lamps mounted in pairs on the king poles (four steel lattice columns supporting the tent roof structure). The system shall provide an even level of luminance throughout the premises.
ii) Emergency lighitng is detailed above (8.xii).
11. Safety Certificates
i) Electrical
a) The circus temporary electrical installation must be tested and certified annually in accordance with BS 7671 app 6.
b) The circus must also retain appropriate PAT testing certification for relevant equipment.
ii) Rigging
The circus must retain appropriate rigging certification in accordancew with LOLER Reg 9.
iii) Tensile membrane
The tensile membrane must be subject to and certificated in accordance with tests to BS 7837.
iv) Fire equipment
All portable fire equipment must be tested in accordance with BS 5306 pt 3.
12. Insurances
The European Entertainment Corporation carries £10 million cover for both public and employers liabilities which shall be renewed annually on 1 February.
13. The safety and welfare of all persons, either working at, attending the premises for performances or other reasons, or possibly effected by the circus presence shall be given the highest priority with all policies/procedures overseen and implemented by senior tour management.
14. All infrastructure, facilities and procedures must be designed/enforced to ensure public safety so far as is reasonably practicable.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
A. Ground
1. Site selection
a) Grounds shall be suitably selected on their suitability for a circus event. The principle issues being the ability to maintain safe event mamagement practices and the safe arrival/departure of audiences at minimal inconvenience to others.
2. Circus arrival/departure
a) The circus shall usually travel during the early evening to avoid rush hour traffic.
b) The route taken by the circus vehicles is pre determined and designed to avoid residential neighbourhoods where practicable.
c) The circus site shall be pre marked out in a standard layout.
d) Each driver shall be directed to the same relative position at each venue. When parked lights and engines shall be immediately switched off.
e) No work on temporary structures shall be undertaken outside normal working hours.
3. Orientation
a) Where appropriate and practicable the circus entrance (public circulation areas) shall be orientated away from residential properties to minimise any possible disturbances.
4. Site deliveries
a) Any deliveries to site shall be arranged for arrival after 10.00 and are further scheduled to prevent either deliveries arriving too closely together or continuously throughout the day.
B. Event
1. Public Arrival/Departure
a) Appropriate public car parking shall be identified at each location.
b) Drivers shall be directed to the venue by permanent signage which is reinforced by the application for temporary traffic management signage from AA resources.
c) Where possible venues shall be selected on the basis of public transport links.
2.. External Lighting
a) External lighting must be a necessary part of the premises safety strategy particularly within the external public circulation areas and emergency escape routes zones.
b) However no external lighting shall significantly leak beyond the perimeter of the circus premises and this would not be lighting directly focused beyond the perimeter.
c) Most external lighting shall be switched off after the audience departure except for the minimum provision necessary for site security.
d) EEC productions must not use any external special effects lighting.
3. Odour(s)
a) The circus shall not generate any odours during normal operating hours that might be considered a nuisance.
b) Equally the environment within the tented structures shall be permeated by the smell of the popcorn and candy floss which are recognised as part of the circus experience.
c) The public sanitation unit shall be cleaned prior to each performance, is well ventilated and the usual freshening products are used as appropriate.
C. Noise
1. EEC recognise that the local noise climate shall be effected by factors such as ambient noise background (road/rail/air traffic and adjacent activities) plus site conditions (aspect/surface of site/vegetation) physical environment (surrounding (noise reflective or noise generating) properties) adjacent use groups (properties/spaces) climate and factors unique to the venue and therefore assessed/addressed at the pre event site meeting).
2. Noise sensitivity shall vary due to the frequency (occurrence and sound pressure levels) of the above sources, time of day and the use group of surrounding properties.
3. Circus operations shall be generally noise rated in accordance with residential provisions.
4. The circus premises shall usually include the domestic living accommodation for circus personnel. However no raucous behaviour shall be tolerated at any time in respect of the many familites travelling with the circus and any incident shall be subject to disciplinary action. EEC shall also be mindful of their reputation within the immediate community.
5. EEC productions shall use cabinet enclosed silent running generators. Each generator is over rated for its intended use which mimimises vibration (each shall be carried by a tractor unit and is therefore also isolated from the ground) and is also beneficial for environmental reasons.
6. Where appropriate the generators shall also be sited remote from adjacent residential properties so far as is reasonably practicable or alternatively surrounded by equipment transport forming an acoustic barrier.
7. The sound reinforcement system required by the circus band (including recorded music) and PA system shall be located within the tensile structure only.
8. Music shall be played at sensible volume in respect of the nature or both the performance and socially inclusive audience. There is no particular emphasis on either high or low frequencies.
9. The speaker system shall be orientated towards the performance area rather than directing sound outwards.
10. The Musical Director shall monitor sound levels and make necessary adjustments being mindful that the audience attendance level shall significantly effect the absorption co-efficient relating to reverberation times.
11. The tensile structure membrane shall be the heaviest specification laminated plastic currently available with minimal joints or gaps giving the best possible noise leakage performance criteria in comparision with similar structures.
12. EEC shall not consider either the arrival or departure of each audience to be significant as a potential noise issue giving the timing of performances and the composition of the audience.
13. However, they shall be pleased to receive further advice on this matter and implement any recommendations.
14. Duty stewards shall monitor audience arrival/departure and shall report any exceptional circumstances. Where a person(s) might be cause for concern the House Manager would be called to assess the impact they were having and request they show due consideration.
15. In residential areas they shall place suitable signage at the exits requesting due consideration be given.
D. Waste
1. EEC owns and shall operate a skip vehicle with each touring unit.
2. Senior tour management shall make the necessary arrangements for disposal on a regular basis at a suitable licensed commercial waste disposal centre.
3. Litter bins shall be provided for public use both within the tensile structure and external public circulation areas.
4. The circus cleaning crew shall clear the tensile structure and public areas of litter immediately afer each performance, which is bagged and disposed of in the skip. They are mindful that litter can be both potential health and fire hazard.
5. Circus personnel shall be required to dispose of their domestic rubbish similarily.
6. The cleansing crew shall also periodically check around the immediate area of the circus premises.
E. Other
1. The circus shall have the infrastructure, facilities, policies and procedures to minimise and prevent, so far as is reasonably practical, the possibility of public nuisance.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. The protection of children from harm shall be given the highest priority by EEC and all related isuses shall be addressed by the effective and responsible management of the circus events through a clearly defined tour management structure (refer responsible persons attached to Health & Safety manual).
2. All stewards shall be employed on a full time basis and receive appropriate training in all matters relating to safe event management including issues relating to the presence of young person(s) on the premises whether accompanied by a responsible adult or not in accordance wtih admission policy.
3. Each circus shall employ sufficient permanent staff to provide a minimum cover of ten stewards within the tensile structure plus the duty House Manager wih a suitable ratio of male/female personnel.
4. In addition there shall be stewards on duty within the foyer area, external public circulation area and a member of the cleansing crew adjacent to the public sanitation unit during all operating hours.
5. The circus premises shall be designed to provide the safest environment possible for EEC employees to perform and/or discharge contracted work activity and for audiences, visitors and others (with particular considertion given to the requirements of young persons.
6. The entire circus premises shall be surrounded and secured by either pernanent or temporary security fencing with controlled access via the box office only.
7. No alcohol or derivative drinks/consumables shall be offered for sale on circus premises.
8. In accordance with admission policy
i) No person(s) shall be admitted to circus premises under the influence of alcohol and/or carrying/consuming alcohol or under the influence of any intoxicating substances (10).
ii) No person(s) shall be admitted or permitted to remain on circus premises if they are considered to be a danger either to themselves and/or others (6).
iii) No smoking shall be permitted throughout circus premises (9).
iv) No unaccompanied young person(s) under the age of twelve years shall be admitted to circus premises unless a responsible adult has escorted them to door control and it is clear they will return to collect them from the premises after the performance (14).
v) The House Manager shall explain to young person(s) the safety arrangements and standards of behaviour expected and that stewards are available to assist/advise them at any time (16).
vi) All other admission conditions shall be relevant to the safety and welfare of young persons and others who may enter circus premises with a valid ticket only.
9. Performance times must be scheduled to suit a socially inclusive audience with an earliest start time of 13.30 (admission prior to first show) and latest completion by 22.00 (including 15 minute period anticipated for departure from premises).
10. With reference to the programme brochure and preamble above the performance must be entirely suitable for young persons. All associated lighting, effects, music (and sound volume) which are essentially complimentary to the acts as performed shall be produced in respect of a socially inclusive audience.
11. All potential risks associated with overcrowding shall be addressed and negated by the numbered ticket system, admission policy and door control measures.
12. The maximum audience capacity shall be confirmed by occupancy calcuation.
13. The pubilc circulation arrangements shall be simplified so far as is reasonably practicable to allow the audience to orientate themselves quickly on entry and equally to allow stewards a clear view of these same areas.
14. The public circulation areas/escape routes must be at ground level and are regularly checked that they remain clear and free of potential trip/slip hazards.
15. A minimum level of luminance shall always be maintained throughout the premises during the performance to allow person(s) to move around if necessary. However the audience shall be expected to remain seated during the performance.
16. Tensile structures must by their nature be well ventilated to an extent whereby it is not possible to make any meaningful calculation of air changes.
17. However EEC shall also provide suitable thermostatically controlled warm air heating around the tensile structure via flexible ducting from heating plans outside the structure to provide an appropriate comfort level especially in respect of younger and older persons.
18. EEC recognise extra vigilance must be required in respect of young person(s) as they may exhibit unpredictable behaviour due to factors such as their age, lack of awareness of environment and/or other persons, lack of understanding of personal safety and their physical limitations. However generally any behavioural problems are as a result of very young person(s) being overexcited which can usually be dealt with by their parent/guardian rather than any malicious extent.
19. EEC shall further recognise no policy can anticipate every situation. This should not be considered as an abdication of responsibility but rather as further encouragement towards adherence of these policies and control measures identified.
20. The grandstand seating structures shall rise to a maximum height of 1.84 metres. Each structure shall be completely enclosed to the back and sides with a minimum 1.2 metre high barriers with vertica, rails a maximum 100mm apart (in accordance with the 'baby head rule').
21. Additional barriers shall be provided throughout the circus premises to clearly define public circulation areas.
22. Stewards shall work diligently with both responsible adults and younger persons to minimise the possibility of them becoming separated whilst within circus premises.
23. However the box office shall be the designated Lost Children point and signed appropriately.
24. Lost young person(s) shall be taken to the box office and accompanied by a male and female member of staff.
25. An announcement shall be made at the earliest suitable time during the performance.
26. If there is any doubt regarding the identity of the young person, the adult claiming that young person and/or the overall circumstances then the police shall be called to assist/advise.
27. EEC must not employ child performers nor young persons for any work activity under the statutory minimum age for a given activity.
28. The circus premises and performance and associated policies/procedures plus staffing levels and ratios must be designed and invigilated/controlled as appropriate for a socially inclusive audience and younger persons in particular.
29. There must be no element within the premises or included in the performance that would cause either physical or psychological damage to any young person.