1. All necessary steps shall be taken to keep updated with all relevant information concerning - local crime and disorder reduction partnerships and from the MCA and Local Safety Offices, for updated information on public safety.
2. The maximum number of passengers any one vessel shall carry is 100.
3. Before leaving the Harbour a public safety announcement shall be given.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. No alcohol shall be served until the vessel leaves the harbour.
2. All alcohol shall be served in plastic glasses.
3. All alcohol sales, music and dancing shall stop 10 minutes before enterting the harbour and passengers shall be readied for disembarkation.
4. Normal time at sea shall be one and half hours, as all vessels must be required to be back in the harbour one hour before sunset. The only exception to this is a chartered vessel with less than 50 passengers onboard, which must be required to be in the harbour before 23.00.
Public Safety
1. All vessels must be governed by MCA rules and safety legislation.
2. All passengers must be counted and registered on board and continual radio contact with shore shall be maintained.
3. All crew shall be trained with regards to public safety and a record of training shall be kept onboard, including responding to the elderly, disabled or persons of a reduced mobility, first aid and serious medical incidents.
4. All alcohol sales shall be authorised by the personal licence holder.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. No passengers shall be allowed onboard who deem to be intoxicated.
2. Any passenger causing a public nuisance shall be put ashore at the nearest harbour.
3. All alcohol sales, music and dancing (doors and windows shall be closed) shall not be allowed until after the public safety announcement once the vessel has left harbout.
4. All passengers shall be required to disembark in a quiet and orderly manner.
5. There shall be notices onboard reminding passengers not to sing or shout on leaving the harbour area to the nearest taxi point or car park.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. Children shall only be allowed onboard accompanied by an adult.
2. Anyone looking younger than 21, shall be requested proof of age.
3. No further alcohol shall be served to anyone deemend to be intoxicated, only soft drinks, tea or coffee.