The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There must be security lighting.
2. No cash shall be kept in the hall or church.
3 Disorderly behaviour shall not be tolerated.
4. There must be security bars to windows and all doors double-locked.
5. Hirers of the hall shall be responsible for meeting their own licensing objectives.
Public Safety
1. The premises must hold an up to date fire certificate.
2. There must be fire safety equipment.
3. The emergency exit must be kept unobstructed and signed.
4. Smoke alarms must be fitted.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. There shall be responsible recycling and rubbish removal during daylight hours.
2. Windows and doors shall be kept closed when music is played, so noise and vibration shall not emanate from the premises.
3. People shall be asked to leave quietly with notices displayed.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. All children must be accompanied by adults.
2. There shall be a child protection policy in place.
3. Responsible adults shall be Criminal Bureau checked.