1. All hirers of the hall shall be advised by a letter format and booking form advising them of their responsibilities regarding health and safety, child protection and noise levels. The hall committee shall continue to monitor these issues on a regular basis together with security levels particularly regarding any issues to deal with disorderly conduct.
2. The maximum number seated shall be 120; maximum for disco, dances etc 80; and these numbers shall be ascertained from ticket sales.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Disorderly conduct shall not be tolerated.
2. A security light must be fitted to the front of the building to act as a deterrent and external doors must be securely locked and padlocked.
3. Generally, as there is no caretaker at present, when arranging the hire of the Hall, evening Disco's must be actively discouraged as are teenage parties unless the parents are known and have the assurance that these same adults shall be on the premises throughout the hire period.
4. All hirers shall be required to complete and return a signed copy of the booking form and shall be issued with additional information regarding noise etc.
Public Safety
1. There must be clear Health and Safety guidelines displayed in the Hall and attention to these must form part of the conditions of hire.
2. A member of the PCC must have responsibility for overseeing these regulations.
3. A clearly labelled First Aid kit must be provided as is an Accident Book.
4. Two water fire extinguishers must be provided in the main hall and one powder fire extinguisher and fire blanket must be provided in the kitchen. These shall be serviced annually under contract.
5. Fire exits shall be clearly marked and kept clear of obstructions.
6. Emergency lighting (replaced in 2005) must be located over exit doors and having rechargeable battery back up.
7. Gas operated wall convection heaters with fixed fireguard surrounds shall also be serviced annually.
8. Following the inspection by Devon Fire Service in July 2004 a fire safety risk assessment must now be in place.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. With the exception of any New Years Eve event, all events shall finish by 23.00 hours.
2. Hirers of the hall shall be notified of the requirements regarding noise levels especially with regard to live music and advised to keep windows and doors closed to reduce noise breakout.
3. Notices shall be prominent to remind patrons to keep noise levels down as they leave the premises.
4. Transport and car parking shall be situated away from the hall and should aid swift disbursement of people from the immediate vicinity.
5. There shall be a recycling container inside the premises for empty bottles and cans which are then disposed of during daylight hours.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. The Child Protection Officer shall refer to guidelines set down by the Child Protection Dept in the Exeter Diocese.
2. Hirers shall be reminded of Health and Safety regarding children e.g. no children in the kitchen or unaccompanied children on the stage.
3. All cleaning materials shall be kept under lock and key.
4. A letter with the booking form shall remind hirers of their Child Protection responsibility.