1. The shop opening hours and licensing hours shall be clear at all times from outside the premises.
2. Fire extinguishers shall be checked by a recognised Fire Company.
3. The entrance and exit must be clear at all times.
4. There must be access for wheelchairs and pushchairs.
5. There must be alarms on windows and door.
6. No excess noise shall be allowed in or directly outside the premises.
7. Litter shall be kept away from outside the shop.
8. There shall be no sale of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18.
9. Staff shall be given training to identify the correct ID.
10. No cigarettes must be sold to under 16's.
11. All 18 certificate film rentals must be on top shelf out of reach of children.
12. All alcohol shall be served and stored behind the counter and cigarettes avoiding self service.
13. There must be no consumption of drink in or outside (directly) the premises.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. A notice of opening hours and sale of alcohol must be in clear view from outside the shop.
2. All windows and doors must have alarms and sensor alarm in shop.
3. There must be a panic button in the shop.
4. There must be two mortice locks on the main door.
5. All alcohol and cigarettes must be behind the counter.
6. There must be no sale of alcohol to under 18's or cigarettes to under 16's.
7. Proof of ID shall be required e.g. passport, or proof of age card e.g. Portman Group.
8. No disruptive behaviour shall be allowed in or directly outside the shop.
9. There shall be a no drinking zone sign on the exit of the premises.
Public Safety
1. There shall always be a clear entrance and exit to the shop (no obstructions to any walkways or doorways).
2. A book must be kept on the premises to record any incidents or accidents.
3. There must be no slippery surfaces on the shop floor.
4. Emergency battery powered lamp must be on the premises in case of power cut.
5. The premises must be no smoking.
6. There must be a fire extinguisher on the premises (powder) which is checked by a recognised company.
7. Flourescent tube lighting must be kept on during shop opening hours.
8. All the shop floor must be on the level.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. There shall be no excess noise or vibrations given off at any time of day.
2. No rowdiness shall be tolerated inside or directly outside the shop.
3. Groups of people shall be moved on from outside the shop if causing obstructions to walkways.
4. The premises shall be kept clean and litter free both inside and directly outside the shop premises.
5. There shall be a bin inside and outside the premises for rubbish.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. Children shall be allowed in the shop at any time.
2. All 18 certificate film cases shall be kept on the top shelf out of reach of children.
3. Childrens films shall be kept complely seperate from adult material.
4. No sale of alcohol shall be made to under 18's.
5. Only recognised proof of ID shall be accepted (e.g. passport, Portman Group proof of age card).
6. No cigarettes shall be served to under 16's.
7. Staff shall be trained to recognised these IDs.
8. No children under 12 shall be allowed on the internet without supervision of parents.
9. No children under 16 shall be allowed without supervision or permission from parents or guardians.
10. All internet users shall be monitored on what they are doing on the internet.
11. All alcohol and cigarettes shall be stored and served from behind the counter away from any customer and children.