1) The Officers of the Club and Committee will keep strong management controls through the Steward and ensure effective training of all staff so that they are aware of the conditions of the Club Certificate and the requirements to meet the four licensing objectives with particular attention to:
a) no selling of alcohol to underage people.
b) no drunk and disorderly behaviour in the Club.
c) vigilance in preventing the use or sale of illegal drugs.
d) no violent and anti-social behaviour.
e) no harm to children.
2) The Club will display clear "Challenge 21" information to prevent the supply of alcohol to under-age drinkers.
3) The Club shall install and operate a recording CCTV system.
4) The Club shall support all licensing objectives through their operating schedules and other measures such as staff training and Club policies.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1) There is a secure entry system to the premises using an 'Entacard' system whereby members shall gain access by use of a swipe card or key fob.
2) CCTV shall capture images of persons entering the premises and the footage shall be retained for a minimum of 14 days.
3) Members and bona fide guests who do not have their access card or key fob with them shall use a video phone to gain access to the premises, authorised by the bar staff.
4) Officers, Committee Members of the Club and the Stewards have the authority to ask any person considered to be a nuisance or a danger to leave.
5) The Club operates a zero tolerance towards drugs. Any person found in possession of drugs will be asked to leave.
Public Safety
1) All doors and fastenings will at all times be kept in proper working order. Exit routes and steps will be freely accessible and maintained in good order.
2) In the event of failure of the general lighting, members and guests shall be required to leave the Club forthwith.
3) Smoking of any material including e-cigarettes is banned throughout the Club and notices are prominently displayed to this effect.
4) The Club shall ensure that adequate arrangements are in place to enable safe evacuation of disabled people in the event of an emergency.
5) The Club has a suitable fire alarm system installed and properly maintained. Sufficient fire extinguishers shall be available.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1) The placing of refuse such as bottles into receptacles outside the premises shall take place at times that will prevent disturbance to nearby properties.
2) Deliveries will be carried out at such a time or in such a manner as to prevent nuisance and disturbance to nearby residents.
3) Entrance to the Club is via a lobby with an automatic door-closer to prevent noise break-out.
4) The Club shall ensure that there is no music or noise audible outside the premises after 23:00 hours.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1) Children under 16 years will only be allowed on the premises if they are accompanied by a responsible adult.
2) Alcohol will not be sold, supplied to or consumed by any person under 18 years unless an adult purchases beer, wine or cider for consumption with a table meal for a person aged 16 years or older to consume with that table meal.
3) Alcohol will not be delivered to any person under 18 years.
4) A person under 18 years will not be sent to obtain alcohol from either a premises selling alcohol for consumption off the premises (e.g. off-licences, supermarkets, etc.) or from a club premises (or on behalf of the club) or to the order of a member of the Club.
5) A person under 18 years will not sell alcohol unless supervised by an adult.
6) The admission of children under the age of 18 years to film exhibitions permitted under the terms of this licence shall be restricted in accordance with any recommendations mady by:
a) The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) where the film has been classified by that Board or
b) The Licensing Authority where no classification has been granted by the BBFC, or where the Licensing Authority has notified the licence holder that secion 20 (3) (b) applies to the film in question and the admission of children must be in accordance with any recommendation made by the Licensing Authority.