The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The police must be called as soon as possible if any trouble occurs.
2. Patrons must not be permitted on the premises with any glasses or bottles containing alcohol.
Public Safety
1. Staff must be suitably trained in safety precautions and emergency procedures.
2. Suitable signage must be provided to warn patrons of a wet floor.
3. Smoking is prohibited on the premises and a notice must be displayed to this effect.
4. A first aid box must be provided.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Rubbish must be cleared from outside the premises.
2. Patrons must be requested to leave the vicinity of the premises promptly and not to stand around talking outside the premises.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. No alcohol must be sold or permitted on the premises.
2. Hot surfaces must not be near the public.