1. Alcohol must not be supplied if there is no designated Premises Supervisor in respect of the Premises Licence or if the designated Premises Supervisor does not hold a Personal Licence or their personal Licence has been suspended.
2. Alcohol must only be supplied or authorised by a person who holds a Personal Licence.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. CCTV shall be provided in the Reception Area, the Car Park at the rear and the Entrance steps at the front of the premises.
2. All CCTV cameras must be maintained in good working order and continually record.
3. CCTV recorded tapes must be securely retained for a minimum of 14 days.
4. Notices must be displayed in the bar forbidding the supply or possession of illegal drugs on the premises and warning of prosecution in contravention there of.
5. A clear and legible notice indicating the permitted opening hours to the public must be displayed.
Public Safety
1. The gas system, including appliances, must be inspected and tested annually by a Corgi regulated gas engineer. A satisfactory Gas Certificate must be obtained.
2. All recommendations of the Fire Officer must be implemented and the Licensee must carry out a self assessment of the fire safety of the premises on a regular basis.
3. First aid equipment and materials must be provided and a risk assessment conducted for use by patrons.
4. Staff must be suitably trained in evacuation procedures.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise or vibration from the premises must not be excessive, so as to give rise to reasonable complaint.
2. Patrons shall be reminded not to stand around talking in the street outside the premises or any car park after 00:00hrs.
3. Patrons must be asked to leave the vicinity quickly and quietly where necessary.
4. Management must control sound levels of any music or entertainment at all times.
5. No movement of bins, rubbish or bottle disposal outside the premises must take place between 00:00 and 07:00hrs.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Children must only be admitted under the supervision of an adult and a notice to this effect must be displayed in the Main Entrance.
2. Children must not be allowed within one metre of the Bar Servery.
3. A notice must be displayed behind the bar warning that underage drinking is prohibited.