1. There shall be training of all staff in the promotion of the licensing objectives.
2. Responsibilities of staff shall be outlined in formal job descriptions.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There shall be a clear and legible notice showing the normal hours of the premises licence.
2. There shall be a written reminder to clients to conduct themselves in an orderly manner.
3. There shall be regular glass and bottle collection.
Public Safety
1. There shall be a log book of licensing inspections including any public safety conditions.
2. All parts of the premises and all fittings and apparatus shall be maintained in good order.
3. All parts of the premises shall be adequately illuminated.
4. Arrangements shall be in place for the evacuation of disabled persons.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises such as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed.
2. Refuse shall be placed outside when it will not present a disturbance.
3. Deliveries shall not create a nuisance.
4. Leaving and arriving staff shall not create a disturbance.
5. Patrons shall be asked to leave the vicinity quickly and quietly.
6. Ventilation and air conditioning shall not create a nuisance.
7. There shall be regular maintenance on all plant and machinery.
8. The use of gardens and external play areas shall not commence before normal trading hours and cease before dusk or 21.00 hrs whichever is the earliest.
9. No music shall be relayed by external amplified speakers.
10. Cooking, noxious or persistent smells shall not cause a nuisance to nearby properties.
11. Lights shall not cause a disturbance to nearby properties.
12. Lighting in gardens and external areas shall cease at 21.00hrs except for health and safety reasons.
13. Rubbish shall be secured in a designated area or bin.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. No alcohol shall be served to under-age children.