1. It is White Rose Taverns policy that all current licensees/future Designated Premises Supervisors shall be experienced and sympathetic to the needs of customers and relevant authorities alike.
2. Full co-operation shall be given to any emergency service and criminal enquiry.
3. Excellent working relationships shall continue with the current licensing authorities offering safe and enjoyable drinking and dining establishments.
The prevention of crime and disorder
1. A policy shall be adopted not to excessively discount drinks.
2. Undesirable customers shall be excluded.
3. Individuals who appear intoxicated shall not be served.
4. The number of guests shall be monitored to prevent overcrowding.
5. Non alcoholic beer and snacks shall be available
6. Staff shall be trained to remain calm and composed in difficult situations.
7. Photograghic ID must be produced when an individule is suspected of being under the age of 18.
8. Regular bottle and glass collections shall be undertaken throughout the premises.
9. Patrons shall not be permitted to leave the premises with any glass belonging to the premises.
Public safety
1. All exit doors shall be easily openable without the use of a key, card, code or similar means and shall be available for egress while the public are on the premises.
2. Adequate access shall be provided for emergency vehicles.
3. Cold drinking water shall be available at the bar.
4. First Aid facilities and equipment suitable for the number of patrons and the type of event undertaken shall be provided. This shall enable first aid treatment to be given promptly in the event of injury to patrons or staff.
5. All doors and fastenings shall be kept in good working order.
6. Gangways, exit routes and steps shall be maintained in good order with non-slippery and even surfaces.
7. Escape exits shall be unobstructed and clearly identifiable.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. Doors and windows shall remain closed during live entertainment.
2. A 30 minute winding down period at the end of permitted hours shall be provided in order to ensure patrons leave in a quiet and orderly fashion.
3. The handling of beer kegs, bottles and other similar items shall not take place in the late evening, at night and during the early morning as to cause a nuisance.
4. All rubbish produced by the premises shall be stored securely in a designated area.
The protection of children from harm
1. Children below 14 shall be excluded from the premises in the interest of protecting children from harm.
2. Children aged 14 - 15 must be accompanied by a responsible person of eighteen years or older.
3. A sign shall be positioned near the entrance to the premises indicating that no person under the age of 14 will be allowed on the premises and that children aged 14 - 15 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
4. Photograghic ID must be produced when an individual is suspected of being under the age of 18.