1. The premises shall provide and serve alcohol and live entertainment to guests and bona fide friends.
2. Alcohol must only be sold to guests over 18 years of age
3. Entertainment shall be suitable for the size of the hotel.
4. The hotel shall provide soft drinks and water in addition to alcohol.
The prevention of crime and disorder
1. Alcohol must not be served to guests under the age of 18.
2. Alcohol is not permitted to be removed from the premises.
3. The bar shall be securely locked when closed.
4. Opening times must be displayed outside the bar and within the bedroom information.
5. Individuals who appear intoxicated shall be refused alcohol.
Public safety
1. All fire exits shall be clearly marked and free from obstruction.
2. All fire certificates and service contracts on appliances shall be up to date and maintained in good working order.
3. There shall be adequate lighting in all areas day and night.
4. A fully stocked first aid box shall be available.
5. Access shall be available in case of emergency.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. During live entertainment the volume shall be at a level that will not cause nuisance to neighbouring properties. Background music shall be kept at low volume.
2. Bottles and cans shall not be binned after 21.30 hours.
3. The refuge area shall be kept clean and tidy.
4. Guests shall be reminded to leave the hotel in a quiet manner.
The protection of children from harm
1. Children must only be permitted in the bar when accompanied by an adult.
2. Attention shall be given as to suitability of television viewing in the bar.
3. Inappropriate language shall be discouraged in front of children.