The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Staff shall be aware of the need for vigilance and the premises shall continue to enjoy a good reputation of being well run and free of crime and disorder issues.
2. Staff shall be aware of potential problem of illegal drugs and remain vigilant at all times.
3. The licensee shall provide a suitable period of winding down music at the end of permitted hours for non-residents to ensure that customers leave in a quiet and orderly fashion.
4. Customers in dining areas shall normally be seated.
5. Staff shall be trained to be aware of their duties under the Licensing Act 2003 and in particular of the importance of complying with the Act and ensuring that customers comply with it and with the requirements of criminal law.
6. A night manager shall be on duty throughout the night.
Public Safety
1. Fire precautions must be in place and shall remain so as to satisfy the requirements of the fire officer.
2. Work place regulations - (the premises where persons are employed) - the fire safety measures with which the premises are provided, shall be maintained in good working order, and their adequacy shall be determined on a regular basis by the carrying out of a fire risk assessment, as required by, and in accordance with fire precautions (work place) regulations.
3. The licensee shall understand that the safety of occupants is also influenced by the number of persons present, their disposition and the activities taking place and therefore undertake to main a safe occupancy level at all times.
4. All exit doors shall be easily openable without the use of a key, card, code or similar means and shall be available for egress while the public are on the premises.
5. Means of escape shall be maintained, unobstructed, immediately available and clearly identifiable.
6. Exit doors shall be regularly checked to ensure they function satisfactorily. Records of these checks shall be kept and produced on request.
7. Any removeable security fastenings shall be removed whenever the premises are open to the public or staff.
8. All gangways, exits ways, and treads of steps or stair wells shall be maintained with non slippery and even surfaces.
9. All floor coverings shall be secured and maintained so that they will not ruck. Mats shall be fitted into mat wells so as to be flush with the floor's surface.
10. Hangings/curtains and temporary decorations shall be maintained in flame-retardant condition.
11. Upholstered seating shall be fire retardant and shall comply with current fire safety regulations.
12. Curtains, hangings and temporary decorations shall not obstruct exits.
13. A fire routine appropriate to the premises shall be devised.
14. In the case of any outbreak or suspected outbreak of fire the fire brigade shall be called immediately.
15. The exits of the premises shall be clearly indicated and maintained to afford the public ready and ample means of safe escape.
16. All exit doors shall be kept unlocked and available for exit during the whole time that the public are on the premises provided that any person leaving during a performance or exhibition may be directed to certain exits at the discretion of the management.
17. Exit doors shall be open in the direction of exit travel. Any doors which have been permtited by the council to open inwards shall be locked in the open position when the licence is in force and the public are on the premises. The key shall be removed to a safe place not accessible to members of the public.
18. All exit doors must, if fastened during the time the public are on the premises, be secured during such time by automatic bolts only, of a pattern to be approved by the council and the fire service. Doors secured by such bolts shall be cleared marked "PUSH BAR TO OPEN" in block letters not less than 20mm and preferably 50mm in height immediately above or below the push bar.
19. All doors and fastenings shall at all times be kept in proper working order.
20. All exits shall be indicated by appropriate signage and placed above any door or opening leading to any exit.
21. The word "PRIVATE" or the description of the room to which the door leads shall be painted in letters not less than 25mm in height on any door which is in view of the persons present and which does not lead to an exit.
22. Exit route shall be maintained free from obstruction at all times and in particular, no provision for hanging closing or storing any article shall be made in corridors, passageways, gangways or exitways.
23. All floors, stairs and steps shall be maintained with non-slippery and even surfaces and any floor covering shall be so secured and maintained that it will not ruck or be in any way a source of danger. Mats shall be sunk so as to be flush with the surface of the floor/the nosings and treads of stairs used by the public shall be kept in good repair and shall be conspicuous.
24. Persons must not be allowed to stand, sit or otherwise remain in any gangway or exitway.
25. Curtains shall not be hung across gangways, exitways or over staircases. Where hung over doorways or across corridors, they shall draw easily from the centre and slide freely and shall be clear of the floor.
26. The whole of the electrical installation of the premises shall be installed in a safe and satisfactorily manner and shall be maintained in good working order. No work shall be carried out on the system except by a suitably qualified and competent electrician.
27. It shall be the duty of the licensee to arrange an inspection of the whole of the electrical installation in the premises at least once in each three year period. Such inspection shall be carried out by a competent electrician who shall be required to issue a certificate of fitness.
28. All temporary electrical installations shall be disconnected from the permanent installation immediately after each occasion on which they are used and shall be entirely removed immediatley the need therefore has ceased.
29. All wires, cables and conduits from such temporary installations shall be installed in such a way that they shall not be liable to snagging, looping or damage and so became a danger to persons present.
30. A record shall be kept of certificates of fitness obtained.
31. The current regulations of the Institution of Electrical Engineers for the electrical equipment shall be taken as a standard for the electrical installation generally.
32. All parts of the premises shall be adequately illuminated and, except where otherwise permitted by the council, those portions to which the public has access and all routes of escape for performers and staff shall be provided with adequate means of illumination from two independent sources.
33. The emergency lighting shall at all times when the public are upon the premises be maintained in working order and so kept in use (except in such parts as are for the time being adequately lit by daylight) that it is adequate to enable the public to see their way out of the premises and clear of the building.
34. The emergency lighting shall be maintained to British Standard 5266, be tested regularly, at least once a month, and a record kept of such tests.
35. All lighting to exit notices shall be maintained in good repair and shall not in any circumstances be extinguished or dimmed while the public are on the premises.
36. Notices detailing any actions to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency shall be properly displayed and maintained in good condition.
37. Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles and this access shall be kept clear and free from obstruction.
38. An evacuation policy shall be in place that is to the satisfaction of the fire authority. All staff members shall be trained in the evacuation policy.
39. Exit doors shall open outward (or shall be secured in the open position).
40. Fire alarms, fire fighting equipment shall be serviced and tested annually by an approved contractor.
41. The electrical system, including portable appliances, shall be inspected and tested annually by an competent person to ensure safety.
42. Where temporary electrical equipment is to be used, a suitable circuit breaker device shall be used.
43. The gas systems, whether existing or to be installed, shall be inspected and tested by a Corgi Registered Gas Engineer annually and a satisfactory gas safety certificate shall be obtained.
44. All safety certificates and inspection reports shall be kept on site and made available for inspection by officers of relevant statutory bodies.
45. When disabled people are present, adequate arrangements shall exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency, review and assessment of accessibility in line with the Disability Discrimination Act shall be completed and kept on the premises (santiary accommodation for disabled is sited on the ground floor and is clearly identifable and marked).
46. Free drinking water shall be available at all times.
47. There must be sufficient sanitary accommodation on the premises. Female - 3WCs, Male 2 Urinals and 1 WC, Disabled - 1 WC.
48. The licensees shall ensure that at all times there are adequate first aid arrangements. The licensee's arrangements for first aid provisions include one first aid box, and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials to be used by patrons. Suitable protective equipment shall be provided to deal with hypodermic needles, blood spillages and other body fluids. Procedures shall be in place to ensure that body fluids are dealt with in a safe manner to avoid the risk of communciable diseases.
49. Means of addressing patrons during opening hours, which can be heard above entertainment, or as a means of interrupting the entertainment and making important safety announcements shall be available.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Noise of vibration shall not emanate from the premises such as to cause persons in the neighbourhood to be unreasonably disturbed.
2. Patrons shall be reminded not to stand around talking in the street outside the premises or any car park and where necessary on leaving shall be asked to leave the vicinity quickly and quietely.
3. Senior members of staff (manager) shall assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring residential premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodcially throughout the activity/entertainment.
4. Management shall be responsible for sound levels of the music/entertainment.
5. The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises shall be kept to a minimum after 23.00 hours.
6. The handling of beer kegs, bottles and other similar items shall not take place in the late evening, and during the early morning when the noise generated can cause a nuisance particuarly outside buildings.
7. Bottles skips and bins containing cans or bottles shall not be emptied outside after closing but shall be dealt with the next day during normal office hours.
8. The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises shall be kept to a minimum after 17.00 hours.
The Protection of Children From Harm
1. The restrictions set out in the Licensing Act 2003 shall apply to these premises.
2. Bar staff shall be trained to be aware and alert to the issues of under age drinking.