Issue - meetings

Licensing Act 2003 - An application for a Premises Licence in respect of Crab and Hammer South Quay, Paignton Harbour, TQ4 6DU

Meeting: 08/07/2021 - Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 14)

14 Licensing Act 2003 - An application for a Premises Licence in respect of Crab and Hammer South Quay, Paignton Harbour, TQ4 6DU pdf icon PDF 320 KB

To consider and determine an application for a new Premises Licence, in respect of the Premise detailed above.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report on an application for a Premises Licencein respect of the Crab and Hammer, South Quay, Paignton Harbour, TQ4 6DU.


Written Representations received from:




Date of Representation

Public Protection Officer

Representation objecting to the application on the grounds of ‘Prevention of Public Nuisance’.

15 June 2021

Member of the Public

Representation objecting to the application on the grounds of ‘Prevention of Public Nuisance’

Received 24 May 2021

Member of the Public

Representation objecting to the application on the grounds of ‘Prevention of Public Nuisance’

24 May 2021

Member of the Public

Representation objecting to the application on the grounds of ‘Prevention of Public Nuisance’

25 May 2021


Representation responding to Community Safety’s representation



Additional Information:


Prior to the Hearing additional information was received and circulated from a Member of the Public in respect of covenants on the building the proposed Premises would be located in, however, the Legal Advisor informed members this was not relevant to the promotion of the Licensing Objectives and should be disregarded.


Prior to the Hearing, further representation from the Public Prevention Officer dated 5 July 2021 was requested.  All parties agreed this could be considered.


At the hearing, a Noise Management Plan from the Applicant was requested to be circulated.  All parties agreed this could be considered.


Oral Representations received from:





The Applicant outlined their application and responded to Members questions.

Public Protection Officer (via Zoom)

The Public Protection Officer presented their representation in respect of the application and responded to Members questions.

Members of the Public

(3 in person, 1 via Zoom)

Four members of the public presented their objections to the application.




That the application for Crab and Hammer, South Quay, Paignton Harbour be granted as applied for, subject to the following conditions:


  1. No more than 10 patrons shall be permitted to use the premises designated smoking area after 9pm.
  2. The premises designated smoking area shall be monitored by staff after 9pm, to ensure noise nuisance does not emanate from this area so as to unreasonably disturb nearby residents.
  3. No drinks shall be permitted In the premises designated smoking area after 9pm.
  4. No more than 16 patrons at any one time, shall be permitted to use the premises outside licensed area, during opening times.
  5. The premises outside licensed area shall only be permitted to be used between 8am and 9.30pm
  6. The outside licensed area shall be clearly defined by the use of portable barriers, to ensure public safety.
  7. Patrons using the outside area shall be seated at all times, except for access and egress.
  8. The supply of alcohol shall only be permitted to persons consuming a table meal and that those persons shall be seated.
  9. The supply of alcohol, inside and outside of the premises licensed areas, shall only be permitted by way of table service.
  10. The premises plan shall be amended to accurately reflect the current authorisation of use.
  11. The provisions outlined in the premises Noise Management Plan shall be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14