Issue - meetings

Licensing Act 2003 – An application for a Premises Licence in respect of Miguel’s, Beach Approach, Brixham TQ5 8JL

Meeting: 16/12/2019 - Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 19)

19 Miguel’s, Beach Approach, Brixham pdf icon PDF 214 KB

To consider an application for a Premises Licence in respect of Miguel’s, Beach Approach, Brixham

Additional documents:


Members considered a report on an application for a Premises Licencein respect of Miguel’s, Beach Approach, Brixham, TQ5 8JL.


Written Representations received from:




Date of Representation


Representation in relation to the Licensing Objectives ‘The Prevention of Crime and Disorder’ and ‘The Protection of Children from Harm’.

19 November 2019


Correspondence between the Police and the applicant with the applicant confirming agreement to the 7 conditions proposed by the Police being added to the licence.

18 November 2019


Oral Representations received from:





The applicant addressed the Committee, confirmed their agreement to the addition of the seven conditions suggested by the Police and responded to the Sub-Committee’s questions.

Senior Solicitor

The Council’s Senior Solicitor advised the Sub-Committee that the Police had requested the closing time of the premises be amended to 2330hrs from Sunday to Thursday and 0030hrs on Friday and Saturday to allow 30 minutes between the last permitted sale of alcohol and the closing time of the premises.  The decision to extend the closing time of the premises was a decision for the Sub-Committee to resolve.




That the application for a Premises Licence in respect of Miguel’s, Beach Approach, Brixham be granted subject to the seven conditions proposed by the police and agreed by the applicant.


Reason for Decision:


Having carefully considered all the written and oral representations Members unanimously resolved that extending the closing time for the premises was pragmatic, did not include licensable activities and permitted patrons 30 minutes to consume alcohol from the last permitted sale of alcohol and therefore would in turn, ensure with the additional agreed conditions, that the Licensing Objectives would be promoted.