Young persons

Year Entry Category
2009   (Herald Express 18/11/2009 p. 4)
Bay has high rate of alcohol problems among young people
Young persons
2009   (Herald Express 02/11/2009 p.2)
£1 bus travel initiative for teenagers
Young persons
2009   Shine Week (Herald Express 20/07/2009 p12)
Torbay youngsters at House of Lords
Young persons
2009   999 Community Cadets Team (Herald Express 29/05/2009 p. 3)
999 services pioneer cadet recruits drive
Young persons
2008   (Herald Express 14/11/2008 p. 12)
(Chill survey) Room for improvement across Bay
Young persons
2008   (Herald Express 03/11/2008 P 5)
Herald Express survey on young people and leisure facilities
Young persons
2007   (Herald Express 14/12/2007 p.12)
Young people voice wish list for the Bay
Young persons
2007   (Herald Express 29/08/2007 p. 7)
Bay "Neets" are £27m drain on taxpayers
Young persons
2007   (Brixham News 14/03/2007 p.3)
Underage boys able to buy restricted goods
Young persons
2007   Torbay Council (Herald Express 12/03/2007 p.1 & 2)
Sex survey sent to girl, 12
Young persons
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